

本研究旨在瞭解我國國中輔導教師角色認同、角色實踐及角色落差概況,並探討有無參與組織再造試辦方案、不同地區、規模、性別、教育程度、專業背景、工作職務、年資之學校輔導教師,在角色認同、角色實踐及角色落差的差異情形。研究採用自編問卷進行調查,隨機發放問卷給臺灣省北、中、南、東四區之公立國民中學輔導主任、輔導組長、資料組長、輔導教師,回收有效問卷600份。並以平均數差異檢定、單因子變異數分析、肯德爾和諧係數等方式進行統計分析,得到研究發現如下: 1.國中輔導教師整體角色認同程度高,依認同程度高低排序依序為:測驗診斷、諮詢服務、輔導行政、諮商服務與整合資源、教學工作及研究進修。 2.在學校規模、工作職務等變項之角色認同差異情形達顯著差異,其中,中型學校國中輔導教師之角色認同最高,輔導主任對輔導行政的認同較高、資料組長對測驗診斷的認同較高、輔導教師則是對教學工作的認同較高。 3.國中輔導教師之角色實踐程度中上,低於角色認同之程度。依實踐程度的高低排序依序為:諮詢服務、測驗診斷、輔導行政、整合資源、諮商服務、教學工作及研究進修。 4.在不同規模、性別、教育程度、職務等變項之角色實踐差異情形達到顯著差異,但在是否參與組織再造試辦方案、學校所在地區、專業背景、及年資四個變項中,國中輔導教師之角色實踐沒有達到顯著差異。 5.國中輔導教師在角色認同與角色實踐之間具有顯著的落差,且角色認同顯著高於角色實踐。角色落差由大而小依序是:研究進修、諮商服務、教學工作、整合資源、測驗診斷、輔導行政、及諮詢服務。 6.試辦學校輔導教師、大學程度之輔導教師、輔導教師及擔任其他職務之輔導教師、及新手輔導教師之角色落差皆最高。 7.國中輔導教師之工作時間分配,存在理想與現實間的落差。其中輔導行政佔用過多時間,使諮商服務實際投入的時間不如理想的多。 8.組織再造試辦學校之輔導工作主責單位、原有輔導室組織及人員異動情形,皆是以小型及東區之學校異動情形最大。出現學校輔導工作轉由訓導處或學生事務處執行、輔導室被裁撤合併、輔導教師比例偏低、輔導教師轉任其他職務比例偏高等情形。 透過本研究,提供目前獲得國中輔導教師共識的角色認同,及初始的角色檢核工具,期能幫助輔導教師在角色多重、工作負荷繁重的工作中,逐漸建立個人角色認同、提昇個人角色實踐。
The purpose of this research was to understand the role identity, role performance, and the discrepancy between them among middle school counselors in Taiwan. This research also compared them by variables including involvement in the school reorganization experimental project, school location, school size, gender of the counselors, education level, professional background, job content, and counselors’ years of work. Random sampling was used to investigate 268 middle schools and 600 middle school counselors in Taiwan. The collected data was analyzed by its mean value, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Results of the research are as follows: 1.Middle school counselors showed a high level of role identity, and the order of each role’s score from high to low is test-diagnosis, consultation, administration, counseling, resource coordination, teaching, and research-reeducation. 2.Middle school counselors of different school sizes and job duties had significantly different levels of role identity: middle-sized school counselors had highest role identity; directors of counseling office had higher role identity toward administration; counselors responsible for managing student data had higher role identity toward test-diagnosis; counselors serve as teachers had higher role identity toward teaching. 3.Middle school counselors obtained a middle-high score in their role performance, which is lower than the score of role identity. The order of the role performance scores from high to low are consultation, test-diagnosis, administration, resource coordination, counseling, teaching, and research-reeducation. 4.Middle school counselors of different school sizes, gender, education levels, and job duties showed significantly different levels of role performance, yet showed no difference among variables such as involvement in school reorganization experimental project, school location, profession background, and years of work. 5.Middle school counselors showed significant discrepancy between role identity and performance, with identity score higher than the performance score. The degrees of differences from high to low are research-reeducation, counseling, teaching, resource coordination, test-diagnosis, administration, and consultation. 6.Highest level of discrepancy between role identity and performance was found among those who involve in the school reorganization experimental project, with college degree, with job content of teaching, with work experience of less than two years. 7.Discrepancy was found between middle school counselors’ ideal and actual work schedule. Their actual work schedule was occupied by administration, and the actual time devoted into counseling was less than ideal. . 8.Middle schools involving in the reorganization experimental project had experienced greater change in the work of school guidance, especially those small-sized schools or those located in eastern Taiwan. The change caused by the project including the replacement and combination of the counseling office by and with the student affairs office, lowering ratio in number of school counselors, and the transfer of the school counselors to non-guidance related positions. Based on above findings, this research offered suggestions for middle school counselors, middle schools, departments of education administration, and school counselors training institutions. Further research suggestions were also provided. Hopefully this research could offer some benefits in helping the middle school counselors finding their role identity and enhancing their job performance.



國中輔導教師, 輔導教師, 組織再造, 角色認同, 角色實踐, 角色落差, middle school counselors, school counselors, school reorganization, role identity, role performance, the discrepancy between role identity and role performance





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