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目的:本研究旨在探討橋式運動在不同平面及膝關節角度下,其對肌肉活化程度的影響。方法:招募12名健康男性參與本研究,以平衡次序的實驗設計在穩定平面、滾筒、半圓平衡球的球體朝下分別操作膝關節起始位置45度及90度的橋式運動,每個動作各進行一次20秒測試.使用DELSYS無線肌電(1000Hz)收集臀大肌、股二頭肌、腹直肌、腹外斜肌、豎脊肌的肌肉活化情形,以Acqknowledge進行20到500Hz的帶通濾波,接著全波整流,最後以每50毫秒進行均方根平滑處理,計算中間10秒平均值,以最大自主等長收縮(MVIC)作為肌電圖標準化的基準。結果:相較於不同角度,股二頭肌及豎脊肌在操作橋式運動時的肌肉活化為90度顯著高於45度 (p< .05);且在不同平面上,股二頭肌及豎脊肌在操作橋式運動時的肌肉活化為滾筒顯著高於穩定平面及半圓球 (p < .05)。結論:橋式運動操作膝關節90度可提升股二頭肌及豎脊肌肌肉的活化;橋式運動以滾筒操作,可提升股二頭肌及豎脊肌肌肉的活化,針對訓練課表及復健的參考,目的為提升股二頭肌及豎脊肌肌肉活化的訓練,建議在滾筒或是膝關節90度操作橋式運動。 關鍵詞:核心肌群、神經肌肉、不穩定平面、動作控制
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to exam muscle activations under different plane and knee joint angles when doing different bridge exercises. Methods: Twelve healthy males participated in this study. Subjects were asked to perform a bridge exercise on a stable plane, a foam roller, and a Bosu-ball with the knee flexions of 45° and 90°. Subjects were ask to maintain balance at each bridge exercise for 20 seconds. DELSYS wireless EMG (1000 Hz) was used to collect the muscle activation of the gluteus maximus, hamstring, rectus abdominis, external abdominal obliques, and erector spinae. Acqknowledge was used to perform the EMG signal analysis: bandpass filter from 20 to 500 Hz, full-wave rectification, the root mean square smoothing at every 50 milliseconds, and the average value of the middle 10 seconds of bridge exercise was calculated. EMG value were normalized to maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Results: Compared with different angles, the muscle activation of the biceps femoris and the erector spinae operating the bridging exercise by 90° was significantly higher than that of 45° (p< .05). Moreover, in different planes, the muscle activation of the biceps femoris and the erector spinae operating the bridging with the roller was significantly higher than that of the stable plane and that of the Bosu-ball (p < .05). Conclusion: The muscle activation of the biceps femoris and the erector spinae can be enhanced by the bridging exercise operating the knee joint with 90°. The bridging exercise operated on the foam roller can improve the biceps femoris and the erector spinae. Thestudy aims at providing references for future core muscle training.Key words:Core muscle, Neuromuscular, Unstable, Motor control



核心肌群, 神經肌肉, 不穩定平面, 動作控制, Core muscle, Neuromuscular, Unstable, Motor control





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