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本研究旨在探討國內父母心理控制與青少年自尊、心理分離-個體化及解釋風格間之關係,並檢視親子性別在父母心理控制與青少年子女的自尊、心理分離-個體化及解釋風格關聯間之影響為何,包含四組親子配對(父/子、父/女、母/子、母/女)之相關情形,以及子女性別在父母心理控制與自尊、心理分離-個體化及解釋風格間之調節作用分析。 本研究之參與者來自新北市、台北市與桃園市等三個區域中的七所國中,共860位七到九年級之學生,其中男生為433人,女生為427人。研究工具使用「父母心理控制量表」、「自尊量表」、「青少年心理分離-個體化量表」及「中學生解釋型態量表」。主要研究結果如下: 一、青少年知覺母親心理控制高於父親心理控制,且男生知覺父親心理控制程度顯著高於女生知覺父親心理控制程度。 二、父母心理控制與青少年自尊呈顯著負相關;四組親子配對中,除父/子配對無相關外,其他親子配對皆呈顯著負相關。 三、父母心理控制與青少年心理分離-個體化呈顯著正相關;四組親子配對亦皆呈顯著正相關。 四、父母心理控制與青少年正向事件解釋風格有部分相關;與負向事件永久普遍性呈顯著正相關,四組親子配對亦皆呈顯著正相關;與負向事件個別性呈顯著負相關;四組親子配對中,僅父/子配對無相關,其他配對皆呈顯著負相關。 五、子女性別在父親心理控制與負向事件個別性解釋風格間具有調節效果。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between adolescents’ perceived parental psychological control and their self-esteem, psychological separation-individuation and explanatory style among four parent-child dyads (i.e., father-son, father-daughter, mother-son, and mother-daughter). Participants were 860 seventh-to-ninth grades of students (433 boys and 427 girls) from seven schools located at the north part of Taiwan. The major findings were as follow. First, adolescents’ perceived maternal psychological control was generally higher than their perceived paternal psychological control. Boys perceived higher levels of paternal psychological control than girls did. Second, there were significantly negative correlations between adolescents’ perceived parental psychological control and their self-esteem, and the correlations were present in three parent-child dyads (except for the father-son dyad). Third, there were significantly positive correlations between adolescents’ perceived parental psychological control and their psychological separation-individuation, and the correlations were shown in four parent-child dyads. Forth, adolescents’ perceived parental psychological control was partially correlated with their explanatory style for positive events, positively correlated with their explanatory style of negative events with permanent-and-pervasive causes, and negatively correlated with their explanatory style of negative events with personal causes. Fifth, the gender of adolescent had a moderation effect on the relationship between adolescents’ perceived paternal psychological control and their explanatory style of negative events with personal causes. The limitations and implications for future research were also discussed.



父母心理控制, 自尊, 心理分離-個體化, 解釋風格, parental psychological control, self-esteem, psychological separation-individuation, explanatory style





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