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就人類學的觀點而言,兒童音樂活動是人類從兒童成長為大人必經的過程,這是一項極自然的演變發展;從文化的角度來看,此音樂活動是扮演人類文化傳遞的一種學習活動;再從教育學習的觀點著眼,兒童音樂活動也具有學習的功能。當今,許多國家亟欲增設兒童華語相關課程的舉措已蔚為風潮. 本研究論文之重點是在於“如何透過音樂活動以促進兒童華語學習”此一主題上。 本文根據發展研究法,以音樂活動及兒童第二語言習得理論為主軸,將兒童音樂活動的功能及理論、音樂活動與兒童發展之關聯性、音樂活動對兒童第二語言習得影響以及課程設計之相關文獻結合為基石,同時也訪談了現職華語教師,了解教材與教學上的問題需求等,並分析現行教材,研究出音樂活動教學的範例。 過程中經由文獻及需求分析,綜合學習者及教學者觀點,設計了音樂活動教學的範例,歸納結論以下: 一、 由理論層面看,音樂活動運用於兒童華語學習,為符合兒童需求及心理特徵,能活絡教學情境,增加教室趣味,提昇學習成效。 二、 由實作層面看,音樂活動運用於課堂,動聽歌曲及節奏明快的韻文朗誦,讓小朋友琅琅上口,兒童易主動學習,輕鬆累積學習信心。 三、 由未來發展層面看,完整的兒童音樂活動華語教材,期望有心人士共同關注,官方及學界合力,據以開拓兒童華語教學發展的前景。
Speaking from an anthropological viewpoint, musical activities is an integral part of human growth from a childhood to adulthood. Observing from a cultural perspective, musical activities is used as one type of learning tool for human cultural transmission. Focusing from the outlook of education, this activity also serves a function in the transmission of language. In many countries, eagerness to build the Teaching Chinese as Second Language (TCSL) curriculum for children has already become a common trend. The focal point of this research is how to use musical activities to promote TCSL learning in Children. By applying developmental research, the content of this article has been founded on the integration of the function and theory of musical activities for children and the correlation between musical activities and child development, the influence of musical activities for children's learning of a second language,and the literature and records related to the curriculum project on this field. Besides interviewing a number Chinese teachers. who in their current posts are working towards an understanding of the necessary teaching materials and tuition requirements etc., an analysis was done by the present teachers to work out a model for teaching through musical activities. Base upon the analysis of the literature, material demands, and the viewpoints collected from a comprehensive list of learners and teachers, we have finalized the following model for using musical activities in the teaching of Chinese as a second language. First, when viewed from the theoretical perspective, utilizing musical activities in children's TCSL studies can help to engage the children in the class curriculum, and children’s demand. and thus promote an increase in class interest and effective studying. Furthermore, from a realistic viewpoint, applying musical activities in the classroom can allow the children to follow pleasant songs and lively rhythms as well as recite the verses easily. This method will enable children to actively learn and accumulate the study materials confidently. Lastly, when viewed from the perspective of the future development, all the people who have experience in this field can work together and build a joint-effort between official and educational circles to set up a complete system of teaching materials for children's TCSL studies utilizing musical activities and further broaden the future prospects for the field of children's TCSL teaching.



第二語言學習, 華語教學, 音樂活動





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