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漢語雙音節形容詞的重疊式研究是個相當複雜的課題。Li& Thompson(1981)清楚的列舉出可重疊及不可重疊的形容詞,但並未進一步探討其背後重疊動因為何。另外,在Li & Thompson所列出不能重疊之詞中,筆者卻於語料庫中找到反例,可見有關形容詞的重疊式研究相對有限。因此,大多華語教師於教學時也無法告知學生規則為何。此外,大多教課書中也僅說明形容詞重疊表加深程度之義,因此學生們在未了解使用規則下,便易有以下病句:「*這輛自行車漂漂亮亮的。」(汝淑媛,2007)。顯見形容詞重疊式仍有諸多難點有待克服。因此重疊式其內在動因和篇章、語用功能為何,是相當值得關注的議題。 相較於過去文獻多著重於程度量上的探討,本研究以語義層面上的動態延續性、篇章層面中的信息焦點以及語用層面中的主觀程度性的概念切入,透過「漂亮、美麗」、「高興、快樂」及「輕鬆、容易」三組形容詞之重疊式來探究重疊的內在動因及篇章語用功能,並提出教學應用。本研究經由語料庫得自的642筆語料,以Halliday(1985)為理論基礎,發現研究結果如下:第一,在語義層面上,形容詞重疊式表動態義,可進入重疊式之形容詞其內在語義須有一定程度的動態性。第二,在篇章層面上,在具焦點性的形容詞重疊式下,即使趨向靜態的形容詞亦可進入重疊式中。第三,於語用層面上,母語者在前文有特定情境的鋪陳下,往往會選擇重疊式以加強其程度性,以達到主觀性的表達。最後,本研究根據研究結果,在評析現行教材後提供了實質上的建議與教學參考方向,將其應用於教學層面。
The adjective reduplication has long been a complicated topic in research literature. Li& Thompson (1981) , for example, indicated that only certain adjectives can be reduplicated, but they did not provide any rules for that. On the other hand, they listed some adjectives that cannot be reduplicated. However, the author did find counter-examples from linguistic corpuses. Thus, it suggests that the exact mechanism underlying adjective reduplication warrants further investigation. For lack of any substantial rules to follow, most Chinese teachers would simply request their students to memorize the usage. Additionally, textbooks only mention adjective reduplication functions as a degree intensifier, but do not provide any specific rules for it. As a result, students are prone to produce ungrammatical sentences, such as”zhe liang zixingche *piaopiaoliangliang de.” Previous research focused mainly on the degree of adjective reduplication and its semantic motivation without further going into the domains of discourse and pragmatics. The present thesis has adopted the tripartite framework of Halliday(1985), which encompasses the ideational (semantics), textual (discourse) and interpersonal (pragmatics) planes. Sematically, we utilize the notion of dynamic continuity as a motivation for adjective reduplication. In addition to semantic motivation,this thesis has delved into discourse and pragmatics functions. Methodlogically, we collected 624 authentic data from two linguistic corpuses, composing of six reduplicated adjectives: i.e., “piaoliang, meili”, “gaoxing, kuaile”, and “qingrong, rongyi”. It is found that adjective reduplication is used to convey dynamic continuity at the senmantic level; consequently, only dynamic adjectives can be reduplicated. At the discourse level, adjective reduplication is used to convey contrastive focus; thus, a stable adjective can be reduplicated to highlight contrast. At the pragmatics level, Chinese speakers tend to use adjective reduplication as a degree intensifier to express their subjectivity. Finally, at the pedagogical level, the author utilizes the semantic, discourse, and pragmatic findings in the present thesis as a basis to review four L2 Chinese textbooks, and suggests some teaching stragegies and useful sentence patterns for teachers of L2 Chinese.



AABB形容詞重疊式, 語義動態性, 對比焦點, 主觀程度性, adjective reduplication, dynamic continuity, contrastive focus, subjective degree





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