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德國浪漫派作曲家舒曼,不僅以瘋狂、多變又具幻想的音樂風格抒發其思想,更在音樂評論的領域中,以極具詩意的文筆創辦了《新音樂雜誌》,其中舒曼本質的分裂角色,「佛羅倫斯坦」與「歐瑟比斯」分別代表舒曼本身的對比性格,如此充滿幻想、虛構的手法,在舒曼極為崇拜的文學家霍夫曼身上也展露無遺。 霍夫曼為一名浪漫時期的音樂家、文學家,更是一位音樂評論家,而他也利用虛構的角色在文學作品、音樂評論等闡述自己的想法,其中虛擬人物「克萊斯勒」便是相當著名的一個,舒曼的《克萊斯勒魂》便是受到此人物啟發,本文將研探《克萊斯勒魂》如何受虛擬人物「克萊斯勒」影響,以結構、內容等面向剖析音樂中的文學意念。 在正式剖析舒曼《克萊斯勒魂》之前,筆者將介紹霍夫曼作品中與克萊斯勒相關的兩部作品,分別為《克萊斯勒言集》與《雄貓穆爾的生活觀》;接著以「虛擬人物」與「虛擬世界」為談討脈絡,比較舒曼與霍夫曼藝術創作中之異同。 最後將以舒曼《克萊斯勒魂》為剖析主體,微觀的分析八首小品之內在思維,並予以讀者詮釋上之建議。
Robert Schumann is considered as one of the most significant composers and music critics in Romantic era. He created many fictional figures to reveal his various and contrast thought in his music and literature works. Among the figures he created, Florestan and Eusebius are two most representative figures. In Schumann’s own founded magazine Neue Zeitschirft für Musik and his music, Florestan and Eusebius represent contrast site of him. Schumann is also fascinated by literature and be inspired to compose his music. Papillons and Kreisleriana are the most renowned works which are inspired by Jean Paul and E. T. A. Hoffamnn. This thesis is about the analysis and interpretation of Schumann’s piano work Kreisleriana and how the fictional character Kreisler who created by E. T. A. Hoffamnn inspired Schumann. Before the analysis on Kreisleriana, this thesis will talk about the literature which is relevant to Kreisler, E. T. A. Hoffamnn’s Kreisleriana and Lebens-Ansichten des Katers Murr nebst fragmentarischer Biographie des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufälligen Makulaturblättern, to understand how the structure, context and the characters of these works influence Schumann to transported the literary inspiration of Kreisler in his music. In the first part of the thesis will focus on Kreisler and the literature which is relevant to him, and also the music background of Schumann’s Kreisleriana. In the following chapter, this thesis will discuss the differences of use of fictional characters between Schumann and E. T. A. Hoffmann. The last part of the thesis is about the analysis of Kreisleriana. It consists of structure of the piece and discussion of interpretation.



舒曼, 克萊斯勒魂, 霍夫曼, 克萊斯勒言集, 雄貓穆爾的生活觀, none





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