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教學方案主要以Hayes (1996) 的修正版寫作模式為基礎,結合創作性戲劇活動設計一套為期八週的寫作教學課程,採限制式寫作題型。本研究以屏東縣立大同高級中學國中部七年級學生共61人為研究對象,採準實驗研究設計中的不等組前後測設計,將參與研究的兩個班級,區分成實驗組和控制組,實驗組31 人,接受「創造性戲劇寫作教學方案」課程,控制組30人,接受「過程導向寫作教學」。兩組學生皆以「記敘文評定量表」和「寫作興趣量表」為量化的評量工具,所得資料採獨立樣本單因子共變數分析,以記人與記事前測文章的得分和平均字數、「寫作興趣量表」前測分數作為共變數,將無法隨機分派研究對象所產生的誤差予以排除,以減少組間既存差異。此外,並佐以實驗組學生所填寫的「單元回饋單」、「課程總回饋單」以輔助瞭解本實驗課程介入之效果。研究結果如下:
The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of “Creative drama writing program” on writing ability and writing interest of seventh grade students. The “Creative drama writing program” was based on Hayes’s (1996) model. A quasi-experiment design was adopted in this study. The participants were selected from two classes in Da-Tung junior high school in Ping Tung city. One of the classes was assigned to experimental group (N = 31) receiving “creative drama writing program”, the other was assigned to control group (N = 30) receiving “process-oriented writing program”. The quantitative instruments employed in this study included Scale of Writing Performance for Narrative Articles and Writing Interest Questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The other instruments were “unit feedback questionnaire” and “curriculum feedback questionnaire” which were used to examine the effects of the intervention. Results are as follows: 1. The intervention had a positive impact on students' writing, as the structure scores, rhetoric scores and narrative article length of experimental group were significantly better than control group. But there was no significant effect on organization scores and convention scores between groups. 2. Regarding writing interest, experimental group scored significantly higher than control group. 3. Participants in experimental group had positive attitudes toward the program. They thought the contents of the curriculum were interesting and also helpful for improving their writing ability and writing interest. Some suggestions for writing instruction and future research are provided as well.
The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of “Creative drama writing program” on writing ability and writing interest of seventh grade students. The “Creative drama writing program” was based on Hayes’s (1996) model. A quasi-experiment design was adopted in this study. The participants were selected from two classes in Da-Tung junior high school in Ping Tung city. One of the classes was assigned to experimental group (N = 31) receiving “creative drama writing program”, the other was assigned to control group (N = 30) receiving “process-oriented writing program”. The quantitative instruments employed in this study included Scale of Writing Performance for Narrative Articles and Writing Interest Questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The other instruments were “unit feedback questionnaire” and “curriculum feedback questionnaire” which were used to examine the effects of the intervention. Results are as follows: 1. The intervention had a positive impact on students' writing, as the structure scores, rhetoric scores and narrative article length of experimental group were significantly better than control group. But there was no significant effect on organization scores and convention scores between groups. 2. Regarding writing interest, experimental group scored significantly higher than control group. 3. Participants in experimental group had positive attitudes toward the program. They thought the contents of the curriculum were interesting and also helpful for improving their writing ability and writing interest. Some suggestions for writing instruction and future research are provided as well.
創作性戲劇, 寫作教學, 限制式寫作, 寫作能力, 寫作興趣, creative drama, writing instruction, limited writing, writing ability, writing interest