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目的: 本研究的目的是探討台灣青棒投手經過10週之古巴球訓練,觀察投直球速度、準確度及肌電圖表現的影響。方法:受試者為16位高中青棒投手 (年齡:17.6 ± 0.9歲、身高:175.8 ± 7.4公分、體重:72.4 ± 8.1公斤) ,分成兩組為古巴球訓練組8位與一般投球組8位,採隨機樣本做設計,以成對樣本t檢定 (t-test) 做分析,顯著水準為p<.05。結果:投直球速度表現:古巴球與一般投球訓練組 (122.48 ± 13.83與122.73 ± 8.32km)。投球準確度:古巴球與一般投球訓練組 (18.75 ± 12.46與12.50 ± 10.35%)。肌電圖之表現: 古巴球與一般投球訓練組橈側伸腕肌 (436.32 ± 45.77與439.48 ± 45.44uV),橈側屈腕肌 (413.86 ± 95.93與419.83 ± 107.64uV)。古巴球橈側屈腕肌前測與後側 (404.96 ± 93.26與413.86 ± 95.93uV),一般投球訓練組橈側屈腕肌前測與後側 (417.40 ± 106.92與419.83 ± 107.64uV)。結論:古巴球訓練對青棒投手在投直球速度、投球準確度及肌電圖組間之表現並沒有顯著影響。但古巴球訓練組與一般投球訓練組個別在組內之間橈側屈腕肌之分析有顯著影響。因此,古巴球訓練在減速期扣壓動作對橈側屈腕肌的肌力成長有幫助。
Purpose: To investigate the effects of Cubaball training during 10 weeks on Taiwan junior baseball pitchers’ pitching speed, accuracy and muscle action potential. Methods: Subjects were 16 high school baseball pitchers. (age: 17.6±0.9 yr, height: 175.8±7.4 cm, weight: 72.4±8.1 kg). A random sample design was used for the experiment. Both Cubaball training group and normal pitching group were separated for 8 pitchers. The effect of treatment were evaluated using a paired sample t-test to compare. A p values of less than .05 were considered to be statistically significant. Result: Pitching speed: Cubaball (122.48±13.83km/hr), normal pitching (122.73±8.32 km/hr); pitching accuracy: Cubaball (18.75±12.46%), normal pitching (12.50±10.35%); Muscle action potential of extensor carpi radialis: Cubaball (436.32±45.77uV), normal pitching (439.48±45.44); Muscle action potential of flexor carpi radialis: Cubaball (413.86±95.93uV), normal pitching (419.83±107.64uV). Muscle action potential of flexor carpi radialis of Cubaball before and after (404.96±93.26 and 413.86±95.93uV), Muscle action potential of flexor carpi radialis of normal pitching before and after (417.40±106.92 and 419.83±107.64uV). Conclusion: The Effects of Cubaball training on pitching performance of junior baseball pitchers in Taiwan was no significantly different. But muscle action potential of flexor carpi radialis of Cubaball and normal pitching were significant different. Therefore, Cubaball training could enhance flexor carpi radialis muscle power.



古巴球, 投直球速度, 投球準確度, 肌電圖, Cubaball, pitching speed, accuracy, electromyography





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