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目的:探討六週不同強度慣性式阻力訓練對競技體操選手空翻和落地運動表現之影響。方法:招募12名體操運動員為本研究對象,會先進行前測以平衡次序法(balanced order)依據體重平均值將研究對象配對分為0.025慣量組及0.05慣量組,兩組分別以0.025 kg·m2 及0.05 kg·m2 之轉動慣量、接受為期六週、每週訓練2次、每次4組、每組8下的慣性式阻力訓練、組間休息2分鐘。6週訓練期開始前及後結束後進行前、後測驗、運動表現檢測項目包括後空翻、前空翻、1公尺及2公尺後空落地,並使用混合設計二因子變異式分析來進行組間後測之比較以及組內前後測之比較,顯著水準設為α=.05。結果:後空翻及前空翻表現,於起跳力量、起跳期衝量、起跳期時間、空翻高度以及發力率五種變項中,組間和組內比較皆無顯著差異。1公尺後空落地表現,於落地力量、第一階段衝量、第二階段衝量以及第三階段衝量四種變項中,組間和組內比較皆無顯著差異。2公尺後空落地表現,在0.025慣量組內發現落地力量變項前、後測達顯著差異 (10.49bw→14.74bw),其餘則並無任何顯著差異。結論:後測之組間比較發現兩種 (0.025、0.05 kg·m2) 轉動慣量的慣性式阻力訓練對體操選手後空翻、前空翻、1公尺後空落地和2公尺後空落地並無任何差異,組內之前、後測比較發現,在0.025kg·m2轉動慣量的慣性式阻力訓練對體操選手2公尺高台後空落地表現中的落地力量變項有產生差異之影響。
Purpose: We explore the effects of six-week flywheel resistance training with different intensities on somersault and landing performance of artistic gymnasts. Methods: 12 gymnasts were recruited as the subjects of this research, and the pre-test will be conducted first. The subjects will be divided into two groups according to the average weight of the balance order method (0.025 kg·m2 group and 0.05 kg·m2 group). The two groups received flywheel resistance training with a moment of inertia of 0.025 kg·m2 and 0.05 kg·m2 for six weeks, 2 times a week, 4 groups each time, 8 reps per group, and 2minute rest between groups. Before and after the 6week training period, before and after test were conducted. Athletic performance testing items included back somersaults, front somersaults, 1meter and two meters back somersaults landing. A two-way mixed design ANOVA analysis of variance was used to compare the post-test between groups and the comparison between period, before and after test within groups, and the significance level was set at α=.05. Results: In the performance of back somersaults and front somersaults, there were no significant differences between groups or within groups in the five variables of propulsion, propulsive impulse, flight time, somersault height, and rate of force development. In terms of back somersault landing performance after 1 meter, there were no significant differences between groups or within groups in the four variables of landing force, first stage impulse, second stage impulse, and third stage impulse. In terms of back somersault landing performance after 2 meter, in the 0.025 kg·m2 group, a significant difference was found in the landing force variable before and after the test (10.49bw→14.74bw), and there were no significant differences in other variables. Conclusion: The post test group comparison found that the flywheel resistance training with two kinds of moment of inertia did not have any difference in gymnasts' back somersault, front somersault, 1meter back somersault landing and 2meter back somersault landing. The comparison before and after test within the group found that flywheel resistance training with a moment of inertia of 0.025kg·m2 had a different impact on the landing force variable in the back somersault landing performance of gymnasts on 2meter high platform.
Purpose: We explore the effects of six-week flywheel resistance training with different intensities on somersault and landing performance of artistic gymnasts. Methods: 12 gymnasts were recruited as the subjects of this research, and the pre-test will be conducted first. The subjects will be divided into two groups according to the average weight of the balance order method (0.025 kg·m2 group and 0.05 kg·m2 group). The two groups received flywheel resistance training with a moment of inertia of 0.025 kg·m2 and 0.05 kg·m2 for six weeks, 2 times a week, 4 groups each time, 8 reps per group, and 2minute rest between groups. Before and after the 6week training period, before and after test were conducted. Athletic performance testing items included back somersaults, front somersaults, 1meter and two meters back somersaults landing. A two-way mixed design ANOVA analysis of variance was used to compare the post-test between groups and the comparison between period, before and after test within groups, and the significance level was set at α=.05. Results: In the performance of back somersaults and front somersaults, there were no significant differences between groups or within groups in the five variables of propulsion, propulsive impulse, flight time, somersault height, and rate of force development. In terms of back somersault landing performance after 1 meter, there were no significant differences between groups or within groups in the four variables of landing force, first stage impulse, second stage impulse, and third stage impulse. In terms of back somersault landing performance after 2 meter, in the 0.025 kg·m2 group, a significant difference was found in the landing force variable before and after the test (10.49bw→14.74bw), and there were no significant differences in other variables. Conclusion: The post test group comparison found that the flywheel resistance training with two kinds of moment of inertia did not have any difference in gymnasts' back somersault, front somersault, 1meter back somersault landing and 2meter back somersault landing. The comparison before and after test within the group found that flywheel resistance training with a moment of inertia of 0.025kg·m2 had a different impact on the landing force variable in the back somersault landing performance of gymnasts on 2meter high platform.
離心收縮, 飛輪訓練, 體操技術, 下肢, Eccentrics, flywheel training, gymnastics technique, lower extremity