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After the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Brexit, and the Kansai Airport incident, our society has begun to pay huge attention to the harm caused by"fake news," and to search for solutions. "Media literacy" has been known as a way to solve this problem. In this research, the researchers tries to realize people who use the system by artificial intelligence will improve their attitude towards media literacy or not. The system is based on the CKIP system which serves as a natural language processor from Taiwan Academia Sinica and integrates a large amount of news database, including messages from regular media, content farms as well as the artificial intelligence produced by DNN . In this experiment, the lesson was designed and based on media literacy but only the experiment group used the system as an auxiliary tool to distinguish fake news from real ones. After that, we find out the attitude of learning media literacy and checking the information have more positive attitude compared to the control group, and their performance of identifying messages as well. This study aims to understand whether the cognition and attitude related to "media literacy" will be significantly improved after the audience uses the system as an auxiliary tool. It is hoped that it will provide an additional benefit for the audience in the era of “post-truth”. this is the only way to avoid the influence of false information and further establish an advanced democratic society.



人工智慧, 媒體素養, 內容農場, 教學成效, Artificial Intelligence, Media Literacy, Content Farm, Instructional effectiveness





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