
dc.description.abstract我國高級中學軍訓教官工作狀況與未來轉型定位之研究-以臺北市為例 摘要 本研究旨在瞭解高級中學軍訓教官工作現況;探究高級中學實施全民國防教育的看法;分析高級中學軍訓教官對未來轉型為國防教師的看法;探討高級中學軍訓教官轉型後對學校的影響。 本研究透過「我國高級中學軍訓教官工作狀況與未來轉型定位調查問卷」為工具進行研究,研究對象為臺北市高級中學各校主任教官、生輔組長及一般軍訓教官,採普查方式,共發出問卷440份,有效問卷373份,有效回收率84.8%。資料分析採描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法。 根據文獻探討及問卷分析討論,歸納出以下結論: 一、高級中學軍訓教官認同現階段軍訓教學工作,並願意繼續留在校園擔任軍訓教學。 二、高級中學軍訓教官同意擔任校園安全及學生生活輔導工作,也同意繼續在校園負責校園安全及學生生活輔導工作。 三、高級中學未來需要實施全民國防教育,軍訓教官有意願進修國防教育相關課程,並繼續在高級中學教授國防教育課程。 四、高級中學軍訓教官認同進修教育學程,以取得在學校合格、合法的教學地位。 五、高級中學軍訓教官認同以軍職身份取得教師資格擔任國防教育教學,並依軍職最大年限退休。 六、高級中學軍訓教官轉型後對學務處與總務處會帶來不同程度的影響。 根據研究結論,提出以下建議供作參考: 一、對主管教育行政機關的建議 (一)儘快成立國防教育學程以利軍訓教官進修。 (二)國防教育由軍職合格教師授課。 (三)培育學校教職員擔負校園安全及學生生活輔導。 二、對高級中學的建議 (一)鼓勵軍訓教官進修教育學程。 (二)加強學校教職員維護校園安全及學生生活輔導工作的責任。 (三)重視國防教育教學。 三、對高級中學軍訓教官的建議 (一)爭取進修教育學程取得合格國防教師資格。 (二)精進國防教育教學。 (三)持續做好現階段軍訓教官工作。 關鍵詞:高級中學、軍訓教官、全民國防教育、工作狀況、轉型定位zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study on the Current Work Status and future Transformational Position of the Senior High School’s Military Training Instructors in Taipei City Abstract This thesis aims to closely examine the status quo of the senior high school’s military training courses and the current work status of military training instructors in Taipei city. Specifically, it investigates in depth the following major issues: (a) senior high school military training instructors’ viewpoints on the implementation of the all-out defense education in senior high schools, (b) these instructors’ thoughts on their transfer to national defense education instructors in the future, and (c) the impact of the aforementioned transfer on senior high schools as a whole. The major research tool for this study is a survey questionnaire designed by the researcher entitled: “Questionnaire on the current work status and transformational position of the military training instructors in senior high schools ”. A total of 440 questionnaires were administered to those who are actively involved in the military training courses in senior high schools in Taipei city, with a high return rate (84.8%; or 373 valid returned questionnaires). The collected data were then carefully analyzed by the researcher, using statistical packages such as descriptive statistics, independent samples t-Test and one-way ANOVA, etc. Based on the literature review and the findings of the questionnaire survey, the viewpoints of the military training instructors of the senior high school’s in Taipei city on the three major issues can be summarized as follows: 1.They consider their work of great importance and show high willingness to continue teaching military training courses in senior high schools. 2.They regard campus security and student counseling as essential parts of their presence in the campus and agree to continue shouldering these responsibilities. 3.They show high motivation for taking courses related to national defense education in preparation for future implementation of all-out defense education in senior high schools. 4.They are highly willing to take courses which are required for them to become certified senior high school teachers. 5.They consent to teach national defense courses in the dual role of a certified national defense education instructor and a military officer and will retire at the age stipulated by law. 6.They show great concern about their transfer to national defense education instructors and are worried that it will have significant impact on the management of student affairs and general affairs in senior high schools. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher proposes the following suggestions for future implementation of all-out national defense education in senior high schools: 1. Suggestions to the Ministry of Education: (1)The national defense curriculum should be set up as soon as possible. (2)National defense courses should be taught by military officers with a certificate for teaching the courses. (3)Senior high school staff and faculty should receive training for them to take over the responsibilities of campus security and student counseling. 2.Suggestions to senior high schools: (1)Current military training instructors should be encouraged and allowed to take courses which are required for them to become certified senior high school teachers. (2)Senior high school staff and faculty should take greater responsibilities in terms of campus security and student counseling. (3)More emphasis should be placed on national defense education. 3.Suggestions to the military training instructors in senior high schools: (1)Strive for opportunity to complete the national defense teacher certification program. (2)Prepare fully for future teaching of national defense education courses. (3)Continue to provide high quality teaching and service as military training instructors. Key words: senior high school, military training instructor, all-out defense education, work status, transformational positionen_US
dc.subjectsenior high schoolen_US
dc.subjectmilitary training instructoren_US
dc.subjectall-out defense educationen_US
dc.subjectwork statusen_US
dc.subjecttransformational positionen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Current Work Status and future Transformational Position of the Senior High School’s Military Training Instructors in Taipei Cityen_US

