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Li-Fei Wang
Shu-Chun Lin
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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
本研究係針對1992-2006 期間國內諮商與心理治療質性研究的研究方法、研究題材與發展趨勢進行整合性分析。研究結果發現:從1992 年開始第一篇的質性研究以來,至2006 年底共累積246 篇。在1992-1996 年間,質性研究僅佔全體量化與質性研究論文數的六分之一,然而近十年(1997-2006)的數量則已佔全體諮商與心理治療研究論文數的三分之一。超過四成的論文以「質性研究」通稱,其餘的研究方法論取向非常分歧。這些論文的研究參與者以案主為最多、助人者次之;其中,以案主為主角的論文中,以非大學生的成人案主最多、其次是兒童。研究人數以單一樣本最多、約六成論文的研究人數在六人或六人以下。研究題材聚焦在探討案主在諮商歷程的改變與結果、助人者的專業發展、以及諮商關係或諮商互動歷程等議題上。探討老人案主的質性研究則尚未誕生。詳細研究結果與建議將於文中討論。
The study provided an integrative review of qualitative research(methodology, topics, & trend) in counseling and psychotherapy in Taiwan between 1992 and 2006. There were 246 qualitative studies of counseling and psychotherapy and the number of counseling and psychotherapy qualitative studies has rapidly grown since 1992. Qualitative studies constituted one-sixth of all counseling and psychotherapy studies published from 1992 to 1996 and one-third among those published between1997-2006. Over 40% of the studies claimed “qualitative research” as the method; the methodologies they adopted were diverse. The most frequent sample studied was the “Client,” following by the “Therapist.” Among client samples, “Adults” who were not college students were the most often studied, followed by “Children.” Single case was the most frequent sample size. Nearly 60% of the studies used six or fewer participants. Research topics focused mostly on processes and outcomes of counseling and psychotherapy, therapist professional development, and counseling relationships or dyadic interactions between therapists and clients. No qualitative study of the elderly population has yet been published. Detail results and suggestions for further research are discussed.
The study provided an integrative review of qualitative research(methodology, topics, & trend) in counseling and psychotherapy in Taiwan between 1992 and 2006. There were 246 qualitative studies of counseling and psychotherapy and the number of counseling and psychotherapy qualitative studies has rapidly grown since 1992. Qualitative studies constituted one-sixth of all counseling and psychotherapy studies published from 1992 to 1996 and one-third among those published between1997-2006. Over 40% of the studies claimed “qualitative research” as the method; the methodologies they adopted were diverse. The most frequent sample studied was the “Client,” following by the “Therapist.” Among client samples, “Adults” who were not college students were the most often studied, followed by “Children.” Single case was the most frequent sample size. Nearly 60% of the studies used six or fewer participants. Research topics focused mostly on processes and outcomes of counseling and psychotherapy, therapist professional development, and counseling relationships or dyadic interactions between therapists and clients. No qualitative study of the elderly population has yet been published. Detail results and suggestions for further research are discussed.