影響國中生異性交往態度之研究--- 知覺父母婚姻關係、傳播的性知識及個人自尊

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本研究旨在探討不同背景變項的國中生在知覺父母婚姻關係、傳播的性知識、 個人自尊與其異性交往態度的差異與相關。本研究方法為問卷調查法,研究者以基隆市國中三年級的 700 位學生為研究對象。以「知覺父母婚姻關係量表」、「傳播的性知識」、「個人自尊」與「國中生異性交往態度量表」為研究工具,將所得資料以描述統計、NANOVA 考驗、Pearson 積差相關及強迫進入迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理及分析,茲將本研究的主要發現分述如下: 1.基隆市不同性別國中生在知覺父母婚姻關係與個人自尊上並無顯著差異,但在傳播的性知識及整體異性交往態度上皆有顯著的差異。 2.基隆市不同戀愛經驗之國中生對傳播的性知識與異性交往態度上並無顯著的差異。而戀愛經驗在知覺父母婚姻關係及自尊是有顯著的差異的,無戀愛經驗者知 覺父母的婚姻關係的親密與和諧程度是較高的,有戀愛經驗者的自尊是比無戀愛 經驗者低落的。 3.子女知覺到父母婚姻關係有共同相處、情感表達和意見一致性的部分,則子女與 其異性交往目的是有顯著正相關且對性行為的態度上是有顯著負相關。 4.傳播的性知識影響愈多者,在異性交往態度是愈負向的,可以得知受傳播性知識 影響愈多,是愈贊同異性交往,是較看重異性的外貌體型,在性別角色的互動上是愈趨傳統的刻板印象,在婚前性行為的態度是較開放的,在面臨衝突及處理分手議題時較無法理性以對的。 5.國中生知覺父母婚姻關係、傳播的性知識與個人自尊對其異性交往態度六個構面進行共同預測,「傳播的性知識」變項為預測力最高的效標變項。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論並提出建議,以作為未來實務工作者之參考。
This study aimed at exploring the differences and correlations of the attitudes to the heterosexual relationship of junior high school students based on the different background variables of the awareness of the marital relationship of parents, the sexual knowledge from the media and self-esteem. Questionnaire research method was used in this study and the subjects were 700 9 thgraders form a junior high school in Keelung city. The instruments were ―Parental Marital Relationship Scales‖, ―Sexuality Knowledge of the mass media Scales‖, ―Self-esteem Inventory‖ and ―Attitudes toward Heterosexual Relationship Scales‖. The data were collected then arranged and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Manova, Pearson's product-moment correlation and enter multiple regression procedures. The major findings were as following: 1. There was no significant difference in self-esteem and the awareness of the marital relationship of parents between male group and female group. However, significant differences were found in sexual knowledge from the media and the attitudes towards in the heterosexual relationship between male group and female group. 2. The differences of the sexual knowledge from the media and the attitudes towards the heterosexual relationship between the two groups were not significant based on the different experiences of romance. The experience of romance was significant on self-esteem and the awareness of the marital relationship of parents. The subjects with romance experience had lower self-esteem than the other group. 3. The Aim of Heterosexual Relationship‖ showed positive correlation and ―The Attitude towards Sexual Behavior‖ showed negative correlation if the children were aware of the getting along, expression of emotion and the agreement of opinions of the marital relationship of the parents. 4. The researcher referred that the more influence from the sexual knowledge from the media the students had, the higher scores they had on heterosexual relationship, putting more emphasis on the appearance of the opposite sex, , holding a more open attitude towards having sex before marriage and less reasonable on dealing with conflict and on the issues of ending a relationship. 5. The Awareness of the Marital Relationship of Parents, the Sexual Knowledge from the Media and Self-esteem had the most prediction to the six aspects of the attitudes to the heterosexual relationship. The powerful influence of the media on the teenagers heterosexual relationship could be seen from the result that, five out of the six major predictions variables, the ―Imitation Factors‖ of the sexual knowledge of the media played the most important roles. Finally, this study discussed the result of the research and provided suggestions for the reference of further practitioners.



知覺父母婚姻關係, 傳播的性知識, 自尊, 異性交往態度, 國中生, the awareness of the marital relationship of parents, the sexual knowledge from the media, self-esteem, the attitudes to the heterosexual relationship, junior high school students





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