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本研究旨在探討中年肢體障礙者對老化自覺、成功老化認知、作為及需求之現況與相關分析,以自編之問卷,針對台北縣目前有參加協會團體共290位31-55歲之中年肢體障礙者進行調查,所得到研究結論如下: 一、受試者在整體生理及心理老化狀況並不明顯,但年齡較大、障礙等級較嚴重、教育程度較低、從事自由業或無工作的受試者,對其生理或心理老化感受程度較為明顯。 二、受試者對邁向成功老化或理想老年生活的認知整體看法趨向於重要,只是對於邁向成功老化作為準備整體層面仍有不足。 三、除障礙發生年齡、障礙類別及職業對成功老化認知及老化作為有所影響,生理及心理老化程度對成功老化認知及作為,以及成功老化認知與作為之間彼此均有相關聯性。 四、中年肢體障礙者對福利服務需求以「社會福利服務」為最重要,其次依序為「衛生健康福利」、「就業輔導服務」、「生活教養服務」及「無障礙生活」。 依據研究結果,對身心障礙朋友、政府部門及相關單位以及後續研究者提出數點建議。
Aim of this study was to research on the perception of aging, the perception of importance, the preparation, and the specific needs for successful aging of middle-aged physically disabled individuals. Designed questionnaire were filled out by 290 31-55-year-old physically disabled members of social society in Taipei County. The results were summarized as below: 1.Overall, there was no significantly physical and mental aging; however those who were elder, more seriously handicapped, with lower level of education, self-employed or unemployed individual were more sensitive to physical or mental aging. 2.Tested individuals did put strong emphasize on the concept of successful aging and care-free life when getting older, but a lack of overall preparation for fulfilling successful aging was still observed. 3.Aside from the age of disability took place, the type of disability, and the profession, physical and mental aging level affects awareness of aging and preparation for successful aging. Also, the successful aging and preparation of aging affects to each other. 4.According to the survey, “Social Welfare” was emphasized the most by middle-aged physical disabled people. The second importance was “Health Welfare”, and following by “Employment Assistance” and “Life Education”. “Accessibility life” was the least importance of all. According to the result, several suggestions were given to disabled people, government, and succeeding researchers.



肢體障礙者, 中年, 老化, 成功老化認知, 成功老化作為, 福利需求, physically disabled, middle-aged, aging, self-awareness of successful aging, preparation for successful aging, need for welfare





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