
dc.description.abstract本研究昌在探討影響專科學生電腦素養的相關成因,進而提出增進專科學生電腦素養之因應策略。採描述研究法,透過問卷調查收集專科學生電腦素養狀況。首先透過文獻探討,以瞭解專科學生應有的電腦素養內涵,及其可能影響的相關的因素,據以設計電腦素養問卷,經由預試修正後,編製成正式的問卷,其中包含三部分:影響成因、電腦素養測驗卷(含電腦認知及電腦技能)及電腦態度量表(含自信心、喜歡及焦慮等三層面)。為擴大樣本蒐集研究資料,委請專家設計、製作問卷調查系統,採用線上施測的方式,進行資料蒐集。共施測36枝,實際回收29枝,回收率為80%,共回收3417份資料,資料透過平均數、標準差、信度分析、因素分析、積差相關及單因子多變量變異數分析等統計方法分析。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、影響專科學校學生電腦素養的有四個因素,在個人背景因素中有:性別、就讀類別、父母親的教育程度等變項;在電腦背景因素中:有學習過的程式語言數、使用過的系統軟體數、使用過的應用軟體數、是否接受校外有關電腦課程訓練、經常閱讀的電腦雜誌數等變項;在家庭電腦環境因素方面有:父母親對子女學習電腦的態度、家中有無個人電腦等變項;在電腦使用狀況因素方面有:每週課餘時間使用電腦的時間、使用電腦的主要用途、使用網際網路的主要用途、是否設計過個人網頁等變項。 二、有關提升學專科學生電腦素養有效策略有二:1.充實學生電腦學習內涵、2.建立家長對學習電腦正確觀念及3.強化學生電腦使用廣度。最後,本研究根據研究發現與結論,分別對學生、家長、學校及教育行政機關等四方面,對提昇專科學生電腦素養提出建議,及全續研究建議。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed at studying junior college students' computer literacy and finding out the factors affecting its development and cultivation. After thorough analysis, strategies were proposed to improve students' computer literacy. This research was a descriptive research and used questionnaire survey to collect data related to the current situation of junior college students' computer literacy. After literature review was conducted to understand the content of computer literacy that junior college students should possess and to find out possible factors, a questionnaire was designed. After a pilot test, the questionnaire was finalized and composed of three parts: factors, a test in computer literacy (composed of computer cognition and skills), and an inventory of attitude towards computer (composed of computer confidence, liking computers and computer anxiety). In order to collect more research data, a questionnaire survey system was designed and produced by commissioned experts. The system was run on-line on 36 schools, 29 of which responded. A total of 3, 417 effective questionnaires were returned, accounting for 80% of the total questionnaires distributed. The statistical methods used in this research included means, standard deviation, reliability analysis, factor analysis, product correlation and one-way MANOVA. The main conclusions reached in this research are as follows. 1. There are four factors that influence junior col1ege students' computer literacy: (a) Individual background: gender, subject of study, mother's educational level; (b)Computer background: number of program learned, number of system software used, applied software used, computer training program taken outside school, number of computer-related magazine read; (c) Computer environment at home: parents' attitude towards the study of computers, the possession of PC at home; (d) Habit of using computer: time spent on computer after school every week, major purpose of using computer, major purpose of using Internet, experience in designing personal web page. 2. The three strategies for upgrading students' computer literacy are as follows: (a) enriching the content of computer courses; (b) establishing parent's correct attitude towards computer learning; (c) expending students' usage of computer. Finally, this research proposed suggestions on how to upgrade junior college students' computer literacy for parents, schools and educational administrative agencies based on the discoveries and conclusions in the research. The research also suggested a follow-up study be conducted in the future.en_US
dc.subject.otherjunior college educationen_US
dc.subject.othercomputer literacyen_US
dc.subject.otheron-line surveyen_US

