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連詞「無論」為一常見之漢語連詞,在語義、複句以及語用尚有許多相關的研究和文獻,但多為獨立之研究,資料過於零碎與分散,亦鮮少關於篇章方面的研究。本研究藉由Halliday(1985)所提出的三大語言純理功能(metafunctions),即「概念」(ideational)、「人際」(interpersonal)和「篇章」(texual)為主要的理論依據,探討漢語連詞「無論」在語義、篇章方面的功能,並將研究結果應用於現有之華語教材,提出相關的意見進行改善。 在複句層面上,當「無論」位於主語前,作為句外範距,會引導出對比焦點,其連接的範距是跨越句子的;另外,當「無論」位於主語後,為句內範距,則會帶出句尾焦點,其連接的範距較小,通常僅限於局部句子的連結。 在篇章方面,「無論」句在主句的顯隱性上偏顯性,即沒有主句省略的狀況。而顯性句中,又包含了前顯主句和後顯主句,「無論」句多為後顯主句,即常規的「無論」從句在前,主句在後,其為「無論」句型的無標句。另外,還是有少數的語料包含前顯主句,即主句在前,「無論」從句在後的句式,其為「無論」句型的有標句。而「無論」句之所以多為後顯主句可以用前後景的概念去解釋。由於「無論」為無條件連詞,「無論」後的成分為「被排除的條件」,那些條件多為上文所提到的內容或大眾之間共同擁有的共識或背景知識,因此不容易符合前景句所需要的條件,即具有可以推進事件的新信息或焦點,反而比較適合作為背景句,即補充資訊或建構對話的背景語境之功能。
Being one of the common grammatical points of Chinese, conjunction Wunlun had appeared in many reseaches and documents. Those reseach and documents focus on part of speech, structural relation between the two clauses, and it’s pragmatic functions. Most of them are independent research, therefore the information is scattered and unorganized. And seldom of them mention about the discourse system of wulun. Therefore, this study is based on the theoretical framework of Halliday’s metafunctions of language, encompassing ideational, texual, and interpersonal functions (Halliday, 1985) in order to analyze the function of conjunction wunlun at both discourse and semantic aspects. Furthermore, it is hoped that the final result of the study can be applied to the teaching material of modern days. With regard to the cohesion at the complex sentence formed level, wulun can serve as either an intra-sentential or inter-sentential connector, the first occur when wulun appears in front of the predicate and behind the subject. On the other hand, the latter appears in front of the subject and the predicate. The result indicates that when wunlun turns out to be an intra-srntential connector, it provides a smaller discourse scope, producing an end focus. Whereas when wunlun shows up as an inter-sentencial connector, it gives a widen discourse scope and produce a contrastive focus. At the discourse level, the conjunction wulun can be distributed in to “postposed explicit main clause” and “preposed explicit main clause”. The former one, which appears after a wunlun clause, is the unmarked sentence pattern of wulun and is commonly used in passages or articles. As for the latter one, it appears in front of the wulun clause, which is seldom used in passages or articles, was taken as a marked sentence pattern. Since wunlun serves as a conjunction which indicates “unconditionality”, therefore, the elements behind wunlun are normally the condition that had been denied, those conditions are usually the information which is knowned by both listeners and speakers. Therefore, it can only serve as a sentence that provides background information instead of foreground information, which is mostly the position that provides new information and main foucus of the sentence.



無條件, 範距, 句尾焦點, 對比焦點, 反預期, unconditional, scope, end focus, contrastive focus, counter-expectation





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