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本文從認知語言學及語義學的角度為現代常用的214部首進行語義群組的分類與歸納,並嘗試分析部首和從屬字之間的語義網絡關係,將研究結果應用在華語文的漢字部首教學上。 第一章,敘述研究動機,以及本文章節安排梗概。 第二章,整理了前人對於表意符號的界定方式及採用名稱,分述各類和漢字表意符號相關的語義分類研究情況,中文詞彙網絡分佈模式,以及部首學習對於認知漢字所帶來的語義提示作用等相關研究,檢視每一項研究成果的貢獻與問題,為我的分類研究找出可尋的方向。 第三章,首先界定何謂「義符部首」,從214個部首中篩選出適合作為分類材料的義符部首。接著從人類歸納事物的基本層次原則出發,提出當代部首的語義分類架構假設。歷述分類過程中所面臨的問題及解決方法,最後尋找出符合人類認知概念,具有完整的上層結構,並以教學為目的需求的完整部首語義分類系統。 第四章,嘗試從個別的義符部首出發,以上下位詞彙網絡的模式推論部首和從屬字之間的語義變化規則,參照詞彙衍生理論(generative lexicon theory)中的分類概念建立義符部首的靜態形象與動態經驗語義網絡假設,最後藉由實際操作的過程,以十個常用義符部首及從屬字關係來討論、驗證我的假設推論模式。 第五章,以前三章所建立的架構、語義關系的討論為基礎,為部首的分類教學進行內容排序,並嘗試規劃一套待檢證的華語文漢字部首教學流程。 第六章,結語。總述本文的研究結果,交代本論文未及之處以及未來的研究方向。
This thesis deals with the semantic categorization of contemporary Chinese radicals (so-called 214 bushou) from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics. On the other hand, we also want to analyze and deduce the semantic relation between Chinese radical and its characters from the perspectives of generative lexicon theory. In the end, based upon the analyses, we come up with a set of pedagogical suggestions on Chinese radical. Chapter 1 presents the motivations for this research and the organization of this thesis. In Chapter 2 presents the definitions of semantic symbols and their designative names from former researches. Besides, we look back upon the studies on semantic categorization of those symbols, Chinese wordnet, and the effect of learning radicals on Chinese character course, wrapping up with the discussion of their contributions and defects. Hopefully, those researches will inspire us and lead us to draw a better picture in our studies. In Chapter 3, first of all, we define those radicals which represent meaningful part in a word as "yi fu bu shou"(parts of radical with inherent meaning). According to its definition, we filter out 188 "yi fu bu shou" from 214 contemporary Chinese radicals. Based on those meaningful radicals, we try to categorize them from the rules of basic-level categorization in human cognition. Beside adopting a better structure which carries basic conception of human cognition, this semantic categorization should also be applied on Chinese teaching, which is one of the purposes we start this research. In Chapter 4, we analyze the semantic relation between individual radical and its characters. Based on hypernym and hyponym associations of network and generative lexicon theory, we assume there would be two kinds of semantic network (Object& Mind) which can explain the relation between radicals and its characters. In the end of this chapter, we try to take 10 frequently used radicals as examples to prove our assumption. In order to apply those ideas on L2 language class, in Chapter 5 we simplify our structure of radical semantic categorization and arrange a set of pedagogy in teaching Chinese radicals as a semantic categorization. Also, we design a short teaching plan about radicals and its characters. However, this section isonly an attempt at a possible framework, and need more practical classroom experiments. Chapter 6, the last chapter, concludes the discussion before, presenting a series of questions that have not been fully dealt with in this thesis, and figures out some suggestions for future researches.



部首語義分類, 部首語義網絡, 部首教學, Semantic Categorization of Chinese Radical, Semantic Network between Chinese Radical and Characters, Chinese Radical Instruction





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