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本研究旨在探討國民中學校長運用衝突管理策略的實際情形,並分析其與學校效能間之關係,進而提出可行性的建議,以供教育行政機關及國中校長辦學之參考。主要研究方法係採問卷調查法,在先行文獻探討獲得立論基礎後據以設計問卷,以桃園縣市公立國民中學教師為對象,依學校規模及所在地區分層隨機取樣,抽取59所國中,共524 位受試者進行問卷調查量測,並對回收問卷予以分類與編碼,運用單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析,獲致以下五點重要結論:
This study analyzes between the principals’ conflict management tactics the relationship and the school effectiveness. Furthermore, try to propose some useful suggestions for the education administration authorities and junior high school principals. We survey the teachers of junior high schools in Taoyuan County by stratified random sampling according to the school size and location. The valid data in 524 questionnaires from 59 schools are analyzed with One Way Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Regression. The major conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan have significant recognition of “principals’ conflict management tactics”. 2.The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan have significant recognition of “school effectiveness ”. 3.The teachers differ significantly in their recognition of “principals’ conflict management tactics ” with teachers’ and principals’ backgrounds as well as school district. 4.The teachers don’t differ significantly in the recognition of “school effectiveness ”, regardless of teachers’ and principals’ backgrounds or school district. 5.In Taoyuan, junior high school principals’ conflict management tactics are related to school effectiveness. Based on the above conclusions, we propose the following suggestions to the education administration authorities and junior high school principals for their reference. 1. Suggestions to Junior High School principals: (1)Enhancing supporting systems for teachers: Principals should make good use of every opportunity to have direct communication with teachers, especially those who are inexperienced or not involved in school administration. (2)Making use of tactics of cooperation and negotiation to deal with conflicts: Principals should settle the conflicts harmoniously by both competitive and cooperative methods of management skillfully. (3)Advancing studies to boost knowledge and competence in administration: Principals should improve their competence and knowledge at the same time, so as to create an open and harmonious environment that is good for communication.
This study analyzes between the principals’ conflict management tactics the relationship and the school effectiveness. Furthermore, try to propose some useful suggestions for the education administration authorities and junior high school principals. We survey the teachers of junior high schools in Taoyuan County by stratified random sampling according to the school size and location. The valid data in 524 questionnaires from 59 schools are analyzed with One Way Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Regression. The major conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan have significant recognition of “principals’ conflict management tactics”. 2.The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan have significant recognition of “school effectiveness ”. 3.The teachers differ significantly in their recognition of “principals’ conflict management tactics ” with teachers’ and principals’ backgrounds as well as school district. 4.The teachers don’t differ significantly in the recognition of “school effectiveness ”, regardless of teachers’ and principals’ backgrounds or school district. 5.In Taoyuan, junior high school principals’ conflict management tactics are related to school effectiveness. Based on the above conclusions, we propose the following suggestions to the education administration authorities and junior high school principals for their reference. 1. Suggestions to Junior High School principals: (1)Enhancing supporting systems for teachers: Principals should make good use of every opportunity to have direct communication with teachers, especially those who are inexperienced or not involved in school administration. (2)Making use of tactics of cooperation and negotiation to deal with conflicts: Principals should settle the conflicts harmoniously by both competitive and cooperative methods of management skillfully. (3)Advancing studies to boost knowledge and competence in administration: Principals should improve their competence and knowledge at the same time, so as to create an open and harmonious environment that is good for communication.
衝突管理, 學校效能, Conflict Management, School Effectiveness