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本論文旨在調查日本的華語教師在課堂上,其華、日教學媒介語的實際使用狀況。從教師的角度出發,只使用日語為媒介語,或只使用華語,或夾雜使用華日語進行上課及糾錯,找出基本原則與因素。另從學生的角度出發,探討學生對教師使用之華語和日語的態度以及不同教學媒介語的教學方式對學生的學習產生有什麼樣的效果,並探討在什麼情況下使用哪一種教學媒介語,才能達到最好的學習效果。 本研究方法主要採用問卷調查法以及課室觀察資料。問卷以華語教師與日籍學生為對象,課室觀察則以日本的學校及語言機構之華語課堂作為觀察對象,進行教學媒介語比較分析。 論文架構總共分為五章,前三章說明本論文研究之緣起、目的、文獻探討及研究方法之分析整理;第四章第一節先從教師與學生兩種問卷調查之內容做分析討論,包括個人資料、教師常使用之教學媒介語、糾錯所使用的教學媒介語,以及學生對糾錯媒介語的理解度以及滿意度等。再從語音、詞彙、語法、語用、文化的五種教學內容分析教學媒介語的使用;第四章第二節則深入探討比較課堂中使用不同教學媒介語上課的情形,並且以錄音、非正式訪談以及訪談札記作為研究分析的材料。 本論文第五章歸納前述各章之探討結果,得出如下結論:華語教師與日籍學生對課堂教學媒介語的使用存在著頗大的差異。華語教師認為,針對不同的教學內容、學習任務和學習目的,需要使用一定比例的學生母語作為教學媒介語;初級階段的日籍學生也認為,在華語學習過程中,以日語作為教學媒介語是必要的。 另外,華語教學中應如何正確使用教學媒介語,並在此基礎上,幫助學生有效習得華語,本文也提出具體的教學媒介語使用建議。
Medium of instruction, as an important parameter in foreign language teaching refers to the language used by teachers in language teaching classroom. Different teaching methods used in different environments hold different ideas on how to use instructional media. This study investigates the medium of instruction in Chinese language education in Japan. First of all, the author studies how Chinese teachers’ use of target language, mother tongue or both languages as the medium of instruction in Chinese language classrooms affects the style of teaching, the ways of correction and explanation of basic rules and their causes. Next, the author studied the ideas and opinion of Japanese students on the teachers’ use of instructional media, and the learning effectiveness of using Chinese or Japanese as medium of instruction for Japanese students studying the Chinese language.   In this research, the study methods employed were mainly questionnaire and classroom observation. The questionnaires were administered to Chinese language teachers and Japanese learners, and classroom observation was done at Japanese schools and in Chinese language classrooms in various foreign language institutions. The results of these studies were used to do a comparative analysis of instructional media. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The initial three chapters explain the motivation for the study and its purpose, investigate prior research and analyze and categorize the research methods. In chapter 4, there are separate two parts. The first analyzes the results of the two questionnaires from Japanese students and Chinese teachers to find the differences between the two. The results were totaled as to their ideas about using Chinese or Japanese as the medium of instruction, the situation in which each medium of instruction was used by Chinese language teachers, the way teachers used a medium of instruction when the student committed an error, the students’ satisfaction with the teachers choice of medium of instruction, and their understanding of the course material. The second part is actual classroom observation of the three different types of classes, and in-depth interviews and recordings of classroom recording used as reference data. In Chapter 5, the conclusions and results are presented. The teachers were clearly in favor of the use of a certain amount of Japanese as the medium of instruction dependent on different learning level, different learning tasks, and different content. From Japanese students’ point of view, it was apparent that the use of Japanese as the medium of instruction was felt to be necessary. Finally, in response to the question of what is the appropriate instructional language usage to bring about effective acquisition of Chinese, the author puts forward several key ideas and concrete suggestions for Chinese language teaching and learning.



教學媒介語, 日籍學習者, 華語教師, Medium of instruction, Japanese learners, Chinese teachers





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