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中國人禮俗裏常言禮多人不怪,送禮似乎己成為台灣具有特殊意義節日裡的重要形式。在經濟高度發展講究精緻文化的今日,送禮更是一種流行的趨勢,而且是個前景極佳的市場,要如何掌握這個市場就有待業者們不斷創新,以專業的廣告設計技巧、行銷策略和服務來贏得利潤。 以往禮品行銷的廣告設計,大都是強調禮品物超所值概念的功能。屬於傳統線性說服傳播模式。為跳脫顧客對禮品廣告的刻板印象,創新行銷模式,本論文希望經由台灣送禮文化背景研究及禮品行銷視覺傳達設計的串聯,與顧客建立共識、分享及服務為定義的平面廣告設計傳播模式與概念。 本研究之內容透過整理中西節慶及社會禮俗與海報廣告間的關係,運用現代視覺傳達設計的方法,以海報為表現媒體,營造禮品饋贈溫馨的情境,以建立禮品經銷與禮品贈納良好的視覺形象傳達關係。並期望達到同時提升消費者品牌忠誠度及禮品新鮮感為目標。 本研究內容及結論歸納有下列幾點: 1.本文有系統地研析台灣節慶禮俗起源與背景、送禮行為與心理因素、送禮哲學對廣告意念影響、視覺傳達設計理論與平面廣告應用之關係、視覺傳達設計要素在廣告運用上的地位、後現代主義對平面廣告設計影響、廣告設計的符號理論、禮品平面廣告之廣告策略及創意表現形式等。 2.現代消費文化的現象,影響禮品選購型態,加上感性消費與意象消費的組成,已逐漸形成尋求符號的差異性來增加禮品平面廣告的價值。 3.禮品平面廣告的設計也逐漸可以呈現一種虛擬消費的型態。消費者藉由因為廣告影像視覺與藝術內涵的包裝與感知的影響,烘托使用情境,享受想像自己對於商品的消費效果。使消費者本身強化商品的使用效果,進而產生購買特定禮品的意識。 4.時代環境雖然不斷進步改變,消費者選購禮品習慣的多變性與不確定性,依本文研討,目前來看,還是可以找出一些特定的設計意念,供禮品平面廣告設計者參考。
No one will blame for gifting in Chinese society. Present someone with gift is already becoming a formality of meaningful festivals in Taiwan. Gifting is a popular activity in Taiwan because of highly developed economics and cultures, and will be a good market in the future. The gift vendor should improve the advertisement design techniques, marketing policy and service to get benefit by innovation.. Many advertisement design of gift emphasized the valuable fashion of gift in the past with a concept of convinced communication model. For the purpose of avoiding the old and inflexible impression on gift advertisement. This study wants to establish new print advertisement design concept with common consensus, sharing and service. This study hope to sort the relation between festivals manners and poster advertisement, display wonderful gift-giving , establish excellent visual communication impression between gift enterprise and comsumers and promote the brand loyalty and curiosity of consumers. The important conclusions of this study are shown as following: 1. Taiwan festival background , gift-giving activity and mental phenomena, application of theory of visual communication design on print advertisement , the influence of Postmodernism on Print advertisement, symbol theory of advertisement ,advertisement policy of gift print media and originality expression were discussed in this study. 2. Modern consume culture had affected choice of gift purchasing. Perceptual consumption and seeking symbol difference of gift increase the value of print advertisement. 3. Gift print advertisement design can show some style of fictitious consumption which consumers can enjoy the gift- giving due to visual feeling and art content of print advertisement and increase the demand of gift purchasing. 4. Although the economic environment were changing and lots variations and uncertainties of gift purchasing habit. There are still many print advertisement rules about gift sale promotion for designer reference.



節慶, 禮品, 視覺傳達設計, 海報, Festival, Gift, Visual communication design, Poster





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