理查 ‧ 史特勞斯樂團歌曲研究
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Richard Strauss's orchestral Lieder, works composed for solo voice and orchestra, are consistently seen on the concert repertoire, yet they receive limited critical attention from the musicological studies. These works are often seen as the orchestral version arranged from a Klavierlied. However, according to their compositional procedure, they should be classified into two sub categories: the Klavierliedorchestrierung, the orchestrated Klavierlied, and the original Orchestergesang, a vocal piece originally conceived for the orchestra without a pre-existing piano version. Most contemporary critics consider the use of orchestra in a Lied detrimental to the intimacy, which is essential to the aesthetics of Lied. A new musical genre named Orchetergesang is proposed to solve this dispute. The genre and style of the poetic texts are taken as the main factor to distinguish the Orchestergesang and the Klavierlied. The new music genre also highlights the significance of "orchestra." Its impact is not limited to the creation of new orchestral vocabularies, but it stimulates interactions between different music genres, especially on compositional technique and formal structure, among Strauss’s contemporaries. The music forms in the Klaiverliedorchestrierung are more conventional. Influenced by the operatic tradition, many of them use an orchestra with Auswahlbeseztung. It is also clear that Strauss tends to either recapitulate the first Klangfarbenbild within a piece or retain a certain sonic layer to render consistency for the work. The phase of "orchestration" can also be seen as a re-creational stage, which adds new meanings upon the original piano version. On the other hand, the music structure of the original Orchestergesang is influenced by the tone poems. Departing from the traditional schemes of Lied, which follows a stanzaic structure of the lyrics, Strauss adopts a motivic-development structure often used in the contemporary orchestral works. Strauss also experiments with instruments he never uses in the original Orchestergesang and later applies them to the operatic composition. This study on Klavierliedorchestrierung and the original Orchestergesang shows that these works should not be treated as the same music genre. The former is more of an extension of the Klavierlied, while the latter is a synthesis of Lied, tone poems and operas. The author suggests that a proper aesthetic evaluation of these works can be achieved only through an integral analysis on compositional techniques.
Richard Strauss's orchestral Lieder, works composed for solo voice and orchestra, are consistently seen on the concert repertoire, yet they receive limited critical attention from the musicological studies. These works are often seen as the orchestral version arranged from a Klavierlied. However, according to their compositional procedure, they should be classified into two sub categories: the Klavierliedorchestrierung, the orchestrated Klavierlied, and the original Orchestergesang, a vocal piece originally conceived for the orchestra without a pre-existing piano version. Most contemporary critics consider the use of orchestra in a Lied detrimental to the intimacy, which is essential to the aesthetics of Lied. A new musical genre named Orchetergesang is proposed to solve this dispute. The genre and style of the poetic texts are taken as the main factor to distinguish the Orchestergesang and the Klavierlied. The new music genre also highlights the significance of "orchestra." Its impact is not limited to the creation of new orchestral vocabularies, but it stimulates interactions between different music genres, especially on compositional technique and formal structure, among Strauss’s contemporaries. The music forms in the Klaiverliedorchestrierung are more conventional. Influenced by the operatic tradition, many of them use an orchestra with Auswahlbeseztung. It is also clear that Strauss tends to either recapitulate the first Klangfarbenbild within a piece or retain a certain sonic layer to render consistency for the work. The phase of "orchestration" can also be seen as a re-creational stage, which adds new meanings upon the original piano version. On the other hand, the music structure of the original Orchestergesang is influenced by the tone poems. Departing from the traditional schemes of Lied, which follows a stanzaic structure of the lyrics, Strauss adopts a motivic-development structure often used in the contemporary orchestral works. Strauss also experiments with instruments he never uses in the original Orchestergesang and later applies them to the operatic composition. This study on Klavierliedorchestrierung and the original Orchestergesang shows that these works should not be treated as the same music genre. The former is more of an extension of the Klavierlied, while the latter is a synthesis of Lied, tone poems and operas. The author suggests that a proper aesthetic evaluation of these works can be achieved only through an integral analysis on compositional techniques.
理查‧史特勞斯, 樂團歌曲, 藝術歌曲, 管絃樂法, 配器法, 音響色澤, Richard Strauss, Orchestergesang, Lied, Orchestration, Instrumentation, Klangfarbe