
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在於瞭解國民中學女性資深導師之工作經驗,希望藉由研究結果瞭解國民中學女性資深導師的工作信念及調適狀況,並找出其因應壓力的方式。 本研究採質化取向的敘說研究方法,進行資料的收集與分析。首先以半結構式的訪談大綱對研究參與者進行訪談,收集四位女性在擔任國民中學導師的工作經驗的自我敘說,之後將訪談內容整理成逐字稿,再以敘說分析方法中的「整體-內容」取向進行資料的分析,最後寫出研究參與者在擔任國民中學導師期間的經驗故事。 本研究所發現之影響國民中學女性導師工作適應的因素,依以下三項內容說明如下: 一、在擔任國民中學導師期間對自我的反思,包含:(1)國民中學導師的個人背景經驗會影響工作信念,(2)國民中學導師在校園情境之專業成長。 二、因應工作壓力的支持系統,包含個人的信念、配偶、家人、親友、學校組織成員,以及工作條件上的彈性選擇。 三、於教育現場的因應策略方面,包含:(1)尋求有效策略提昇工作效能,(2)尋求方式提昇工作滿足感,(3)調整個人的工作信念,其中有導師工作也是一種專業呈現,需要不斷地學習與調整;導師工作首要注意的是維護學生的安全與健康;接納自己的限制,並且正面解讀導師工作;以更大的「彈性」來因應不斷變動的學生狀況;相信自己具有幫助學生成長的影響力;用陪伴和支持的態度跟家長溝通孩子的狀況;「與人為善」的人際原則。 本研究也針對上述的研究結果作進一步的討論,並針對國民中學女性導師及與其相關之工作夥伴提出建議。最後並依據研究過程與結果,對未來相關研究之方向提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to understand the work experiences of senior female homeroom teachers in junior high schools. Based on the results of the research, attempts were made to understand their work beliefs and adjustments, and to find out their ways of coping with stress. Narrative research method of qualitative approach was adopted for collecting and analyzing the data. Firstly, a semi-structural questionnaire was employed in the interviews with the four participants of the research to collect their self-narratives on their work experiences as female homeroom teachers in junior high schools. Then the narratives of the interviews were transcribed, and were analyzed with the “holistic-content” approach of narrative analysis. Finally, the participants’ experience stories as homeroom teachers were written out. The factors influencing the work adjustment of female homeroom teachers in junior high schools, which were found in this research, are shown as follows: 1. The self-reflections in the duration when they worked as homeroom teachers in junior high schools, including: (1) The personal experiences of junior high school homeroom teachers can influence their work beliefs; (2) the professional developments of junior high school homeroom teachers in school settings. 2. The support systems for coping with work stress, including personal beliefs, spouse, families, friends, members in their schools, and the alternative choices in their working conditions. 3. Regarding their coping strategies to their teaching practices, there are (1) seeking effective strategies to enhance their work efficiency; (2) seeking ways to enhance their job satisfaction; (3) adjustments of their work beliefs. The work beliefs include: regarding the work of a homeroom teacher as a presentation of their expertise, which requires constant learning and adjusting; the primary concern of a homeroom teacher is keeping students safe and sound; accepting one’s own limitations, and interpret the work of a homeroom teacher in a positive way; coping with the capricious situations of the students with more “elasticity”; believing that she has the power for helping students grow; communicating students’ conditions with the parents in a supporting and empathetic way; the principle of “doing good to others”. The research goes beyond the above results to provide suggestions to female homeroom teachers in junior high schools and the partners related to their work. Lastly, based on the findings in the process and results of the research, a few suggestions were proposed for future researches.en_US
dc.subjectjunior high schoolen_US
dc.subjecthomeroom teacheren_US
dc.subjectwork experienceen_US
dc.subjectwork adjustmenten_US
dc.titleA Narrative Research on the Work Experiences of Senior Female Homeroom Teachers--A Case Study on Four Teachers from Public Junior High Schools in Northern Taiwanen_US

