愚拙之光舞在灣顏工坊的生命之流 ──一個亞斯伯格家庭的創作湧現生命史

dc.contributorPan, Yu-Fongen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Li-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究案紀錄亞斯伯格家人的生命史與這個家族所共同創立的【灣顏工坊】的生命故事。研究者以「愚拙精神」為主題,探索亞斯伯格純真、固著的特質和堅持的信念,顯現個體生命轉化的可能性與亞斯柏格家族共同跨越困境的毅力。 「灣顏工坊」以生命美學的廣角鏡記錄臺灣的容顏,創作者宇新以光的意象手繪臺灣文化資產的歲月軌跡。以「灣顏工坊」創業史為例,描述亞斯柏格家族之間的「open-sense」、「open-mind」、「open-heart」、「open-will」、「 co-create」、「co-presencing」作為故事的主要軸線。黃宇新以「拙美」的風格手繪了40幾張糖莊場域故事圖,描繪舊時「璞真」、「安居樂業」的生活型態為出發點。本研究希望能呈現賀爾德林哲學家晚年所提倡的「人充滿勞積,但仍詩意地安居於這塊土地之上」的安居美學。 本研究發現:輕度的亞斯伯格症候群的青年透過陪伴、溝通和訓練,可以 改變:1.特定興趣的時間微調2. 自我覺察和覺知親人的需要3.學習理智處事4.學會情緒控制5.化被動為主動6.成為家的守護者。經由團隊合作,創造出下列的成果:1. 合作《認識鐵路》一書2.合著《捷運工程》一書3.共同拍攝〈再見華山車站─鐵道迷的幸福天空〉紀錄片4.完成溪湖糖廠的初步考古並發表於第15屆國際工業遺產海報展5.完成溪湖糖廠工業遺址40幅圖像手繪6. 合著《臺灣文化場域意象採集─文化性資產清查手札》7.研發文化資產的文創系列商品。 期許以這個真實的案例,喚起更多老師與家長關心這類孩子,從日常行為 中辨認他們、協助他們,建設性地把他們的特殊興趣發展成專業能力(Wing , 1998),幫助他們安身立命。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this research paper I present the life history of a family member diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and a family-run cultural-heritage project titled Wanyan Studio. Taking “clumsiness” as the theme, I demonstrate how such traits of Asperger’s Syndrome as unsophisticated, repetitive behavior, and a restricted range of interests can be transformed into assets for leading a fulfilling and productive life. The work of the Wanyan Studio is inspired and informed by several principles which are essential for living with a person with Asperger’s syndrome: open-sense, open-mind, open-heart, open-will, co-creating, and co-presencing. The Wanyan Studio uses a wide-angle aesthetic lens to record the distinctive appearance of Taiwan; the main artist and the subject of this study is Huang Yuxin, who uses the imagery of light to depict the changing appearance of Taiwan’s cultural heritage over time. Adopting the “austere beauty” design style, Huang has completed several dozen sketches illustrating the stories of the sugar refineries and depicting the Arcadian simplicity of a bygone era. The approach of this paper is informed by a concept Martin Heidegger expressed in his later years as“Full of merit, yet poetically, man Dwells on this earth”. This study demonstrates that through consistent communication and training, a young person with Asperger’s is capable of learning: 1) how to manage time spent on special interests; 2) self-awareness and sensitivity to the needs of others; 3) how to deal with affairs in a rational manner; 4) emotional control; 5) how to be active rather than passive; and 6) how to look after the family and home. Moreover, as part of the Wanyan Studio, the subject of this study produced the following works: 1) a book titled Understanding Railways; 2) a book titled MRT Engineering; 3) a documentary film titled the Huashan Railway Station Revisited; 4) a study of the Xihu Sugar Refinery which was exhibited as a poster exhibition at the 15th International Industrial Heritage Conference; 5) 40 sketches of the Xihu Sugar Refinery Industrial Heritage Site; 6) a book titled A Survey of Taiwan’s Cultural Assets; and 7) a series of cultural heritage products. It is hoped that this case study will help teachers and family members to recognize the symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome and to understand how to help such individuals develop their area of special interest into a professional ability (Wing, 1998) and to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.en_US
dc.subjectAsperger’s syndromeen_US
dc.subjectlife historyen_US
dc.subjectWanyan Studioen_US
dc.subjectcultural heritageen_US
dc.title愚拙之光舞在灣顏工坊的生命之流 ──一個亞斯伯格家庭的創作湧現生命史zh_TW
dc.titleDancing with the Austering Light of Aspergers in the Flow of WanYan─The Life History of an Asperger Family’sen_US

