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本文結合圖式(認知語義概念圖),透過隱喻(Lakoff, 1987)、轉喻(Littlemore, 2009)及意象圖示(Lakoff&Johnson, 1980; Langacker, 1987),展現出多義詞之間的關聯,提出輔助學習多義詞的方法,並應用於華語教學課堂中。目前已有相關英文文獻,將此概念應用於二語教學中(Boers, 2000; Beréndi, Csábi& Kövecses, 2008)。然而,Boers(2011)提出先前研究存有缺陷,這些研究也大多以英語為主。因此,本文以Boers(2011)為基礎,運用實驗研究法,欲知結合認知概念與概念圖於華語教學課堂中,是否有助於二語學習者詞彙習得,以延時記憶中之保存。其次,本文希望了解在使用認知語義概念圖教授多義詞時的教學步驟,以及,受試者在習得由不同認知概念延伸出之詞彙上是否有差異。最後,探究此方法能否提高相關延伸詞彙之詞義理解和類推能力。 本文透過前測篩選出在國內大學語言中心的42位學生,分為實驗組及對照組,實驗之目標詞彙為以「吃」及「發」兩個動詞結合而成之詞彙(吃飯館、吃老本、吃苦、吃紅、發傳單、發短信、發財、發瘋)。 本文發現:1. 結合認知概念與概念圖於華語教學課堂中,有助於二語學習者相關詞彙的習得,並對詞彙在延時記憶中之保存有幫助,延時測驗中,實驗組和對照組達顯著差異,t (40) =2.23, p=0.031, p<0.05。2. 運用認知語義概念圖教學能幫助提高相關延伸詞彙之詞義理解和類推能力,實驗組和對照組達顯著差異,t (40) =2.10, p=0.042, p<0.05。3. 雖無達到顯著差異,但認知語義概念圖用在為學習者複習、鞏固詞彙時效果較用在學習詞彙前,有意識地分析其學習效果好。4. 雖無達到顯著差異,但在即時和延時後測中,透過轉喻延伸出之詞彙分數最高,意象圖示第二,隱喻最低。
This study brings up the cognitive concept map as an effective method to help learners comprehend and remember Chinese polysemous words and applies it to the real Chinese class. The cognitive concept map combines graphical representation and Cognitive Linguistics such as metaphor (Lakoff, 1987), metonymy (Littlemore, 2009) and image schema (Lakoff&Johnson, 1980; Langacker, 1987) to show the connections of senses of polysemous words. There is some existing research about empirical study of using cognitive linguistic approaches to teach a second language. However, Boers (2011) indicated that there are still some deficiencies in the previous researches. Moreover, these researches are mostly in English. Therefore, in order to fill the gap, the study is based on Boers’s (2011) indication and uses quasi experiment to identify several questions. First, it recognizes whether applying cognitive concept map to teaching polysemous words can help learners acquire them and whether helps the learners to gain long-term learning effects or not. Second, it discovers the better procedure of using cognitive concept map to teach polysemous words, and third, if there are any different effects between target vocabularies that are extended through different cognitive models. Last, it studies whether the method improves the learners’ abilities of comprehension and deduction of the vocabularies related to the target polysemous words “Chi” and “Fa”. With a pre-test, the study chooses the 42 subjects who are all studying Practical Audio-Visual Chinese Vol 2 or 3 in university language centers in Taiwan. The experiment’s target vocabularies are: “Chi Fanguan”, “Chi Laoben”, “Chiku”, “Chihong”, “Fa Chuandan”, “Fa Duanxin”, “Facai” and “Fafeng”. Subjects are divided into experimental group and control group to do the experiment. Afterwards, the study analyzes the scores of immediate post test and delayed post test. The results of the experiment are analyzed with a view to. 1) Applying cognitive concept map to teaching polysemous words can help learners acquire the words and also helps the learners gain long-term learning effects. The mean differences between two groups are significant (t=2.23, p=0.031, p<0.05). 2) Using this method can gain the learners’ abilities of comprehension and deduction of the vocabularies related to the target polysemous words “Chi” and “Fa”. The mean differences between two groups are significant (t=2.10, p=0.042, p<0.05).



多義詞, 概念圖, 隱喻, 轉喻, 意象圖示, Polysemy, Concept maps, Metaphor, Metonymy, Image Schema





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