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外籍生來臺沉浸在華語情境中,閱讀成為不可或缺的能力。現今語言學習強調真實語料的使用,新聞媒體語篇成為華語教師常用之教材。網路新聞媒體在現今社會之地位不可小覷,但在臺灣對於新聞媒體語篇的研究卻略顯不足,且少有對比新聞主題之研究文獻。據教育部101學年度「大專校院附設華語文中心外籍學生人數」統計,來臺學習華語以法籍學習者人數占最多,此項調查顯示出針對法籍學習者教學研究之市場需求,但此類語言對比研究仍然缺乏。因此本研究以Hyland(2005)之後設論述(metadiscourse)架構為框架,分析華、法語社會版和娛樂版網路新聞在邏輯連接的交互式和人際互動的互動式上具有語言或是主題的差異,並探討其中的關連性。 本研究的語料取自2014年臺灣與法國雅虎網站發佈之社會與娛樂新聞各五十篇。對比結果顯示,華語與法語的新聞都依賴交互式(interactive)的後設論述標記連接語篇的邏輯概念,且兩者交互式各標記的使用情形也極為類似,使用頻率第一皆為示證標記,其次是連接標記。兩語言也透過互動式標記來傳達記者立場和顯示與讀者的互動,但兩者各標記使用分布有顯著的差異,華語注重表達記者自身態度的態度標記,而法語則重視與讀者互動的參與標記,呈現出"親向讀者"的態度。在新聞主題方面,華語和法語的社會版和娛樂版交互式標記分布極為類似,而互動式各標記亦無顯著的差異,顯示出新聞主題對記者撰寫語篇的概念並無影響。 綜上所述,語言與主題兩個因素相較之下,語言的差異對新聞語篇的構成有較明顯的影響。華語新聞以記者自身立場為主,而法語記者則注重讀者的參與。參考以上結論,本研究可利用分析結果讓法籍學習者了解華語和法語網路新聞中交互式和互動式詞語的使用,歸納各標記常用詞語且將部分詞語轉化為定式,進一步提出實例、分析結構,建立完整的語篇概念。研究結果期能協助法籍學習者建立有效的閱讀方式,提昇對新聞語篇的理解能力。
This study takes a doubly contrastive approach, investigating online news discourse in two languages, Chinese and French; and two news sections, society and entertainment with the taxonomy of metadiscourse. Recently the research of media discourse has focused on the domain of discourse analysis. The value of online news discourse lies within the interaction and feedback between writers and readers. However, most cross-language comparisons of discourse analysis focus on those between English and Chinese despite the fact that there are a great number of French-speaking Chinese learners in Taiwan. Through the taxonomy of metadiscourse, we can discover the logical cohesion within the texts and the stance of the writers. The data used in this research consists of 200 news discourses collected from Yahoo Taiwan and Yahoo France. The qualitative and quantitative results show that both Chinese and French journalists prefer to use interactive metadiscourse features (evidentials, transitions, etc...) and the frequencies of the usage of these features are similar as well. At the same time, the frequencies of usage of interactional metadiscourse features between Chinese and French news discourse are more diverse. Chinese journalists tend to emphasize attitude markers to show their stances, while French journalists prefer engagement markers to interact with readers. As for the society and entertainment sections, the frequencies of usage of both interactive and interactional metadiscourse features are rather similar. To conclude, the results show that the difference of the language used in the online media has more influence on the discourse construction. French news discourse is more “reader-friendly” while Chinese news discourse is more “reader responsible”. Based on these findings, we expect that the metadiscourse features will help French-speaking Chinese learners to construct Chinese online news discourse more effectively while reading. Futhermore, with authentic material, they can not only learn the Chinese language but also have a deeper understanding of Chinese society.



華語, 法語, 新聞語篇, 教學應用, Chinese, French, online news discourse, pedagogical application





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