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The purpose of this study was to explore the parenting stress, coping strategies, and support systems of parents with selective mutism (SM) children. Ten parents with children experiencing selective mutism were invited to participate in the study. In-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide to understand the sources and experiences of stress, coping strategies, and support systems. A qualitative research approach was employed, and data analysis was conducted using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding from grounded theory.The results of this study are as follows: The primary sources of stress for parents of children with selective mutism include personal factors, family environment, school environment, and societal factors. Parents of children with selective mutism have developed internal coping strategies, including personal mindset and parenting strategies, as well as external coping strategies such as collaboration with teachers and utilization of school resources. Coping strategy recommendations for novice parents with children experiencing selective mutism include focusing on parent-child relationships and creating a supportive environment. Support for parents of children with selective mutism is categorized into personal, family, and societal dimensions. Personal support includes individual traits and personal growth and education. Family support includes support from partners, siblings, and extended family. Societal support encompasses online resources, professional assistance, and support groups.In conclusion, based on the study findings, the researcher reflects on the implications and offers recommendations for parents of children with selective mutism, relevant institutions, and future research.



選擇性緘默症, 壓力來源, 因應策略, 紮根研究, selective mutism, sources of stress, coping strategies, grounded theory





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