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中 文 摘 要 本研究的研究目的有三:第一,建構「自我調整學習模式」,並以實徵資料來驗證此一模式的適配度。第二,設計「融入社會領域之自我調整閱讀理解教學課程」來教導國小六年級學生在社會科領域上進行自我調整。第三,以性向評量和事件評量方式來探究和考驗本研究所設計「融入社會領域之自我調整閱讀理解教學課程」之立即效果和延宕效果。 為完成上述研究目的,本研究進行研究一、研究二兩個研究。所使用的研究工具包括內在動機量表、行動控制量表、認知策略量表、社會科閱讀理解測驗(甲式、乙式、丙式、丁式、戊式、己式)、教學手冊、錄音機、錄音帶等。 在研究一中,本研究者提出一個包含內在動機、行動控制、認知策略、和學業表現等五個成份的自我調整學習模式,並使用實徵資料來驗證此一模式。受試者是來自台灣省北部、中部、南部三個地區,共6個學校342名國小六年級學生,經剔除無效樣本後共計有效樣本為303人。模式考驗的結果發現本研究所提出的自我調整學習模式在基本適配度、整體模式適配度、內在結構適配度三方面,都顯示出本研究所建構的自我調整學習模式與一般國小六年級學生的觀察資料可以適配。換言之,本研究所提出的自我調整學習模式可以用來解釋一般國小六年級學生的觀察資料。 本研究二為「融入社會領域之自我調整閱讀理解教學暨性向與事件評量效果之研究」,其目的是在於結合自我調整的學習理論與閱讀理解教學理論,參考本研究所建構的自我調整學習模式,教導高低自我調整能力者「融入社會領域之自我調整閱讀理解教學課程」,並以性向評量及事件評量來加以評量。本研究二的性向評量部分的受試者包括80名高、低自我調整者,分跨四個班級,並分派兩個班級為實驗組和兩個班級為控制組,實驗組接受「融入社會領域之自我調整閱讀理解教學課程」,而控制組不接受實驗課程的教學,但需在第四週開始與實驗組一樣進行每一單元所附的閱讀理解測驗。兩組都需要接受前測、立即後測和延宕後測。研究結果發現本實驗課程對整體的閱讀理解表現、內容理解表現、推論理解表現、期末評量、內在動機、工作價值、能力信念、行動控制、動機控制、情緒控制、認知策略、一般認知策略、後設認知策略有增進的效果,對於精熟目標導向則有維持的效果,對於情緒控制則無效果存在。且高自我調整能力的閱讀理解表現、內在動機、行動控制、認知策略皆高於低自我調整能力者。 本研究二的事件評量部分,是因為自我調整學習必須由性向評量與事件評量來獲知全貌。在研究對象方面,本研究從「自我調整學習視為性向的評量」結果中列為高、低自我調整者各抽取實驗組6位學生、控制組6位學生,共計24位學生,然後依照事件評量的方式來蒐集資料、研究工具包括社會科閱讀理解測驗丁式、戊式、己式、社會科事件評量評分標準、錄音機、錄音帶等。研究結果發現內在動機有立即效果,而未具有持續效果;行動控制、認知策略有立即和持續效果。 綜合而言,本研究一所建構的自我調整學習模式可以獲得支持,本研究二的實證研究結果,發現本研究所設計的「融入社會領域之自我調整閱讀理解教學課程」,可以使學生在內在動機、行動控制、認知策略方面都有所增進,只是在不同層面的成長幅度有差異存在,且會隨著自我調整程度的不同而可能有差異存在。因此,本研究整體結果顯示國小學生的自我調整學習歷程會涉及內在動機、行動控制、認知策略和學業表現等成份,教師教學若要提昇國小學生的自我調整學習能力時應該要考慮到這些自我調整學習要素。
Abstract The purposes of this dissertation were: (1) to verify the goodness of fit between empirically observed data and Self-Regulated Learning Model constructed by the author; (2) to design a teaching program of Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event for Elementary Social Science Education; (3) to examine the immediate and delayed effects of the “Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event” teaching program developed by the author. For these purposes, the whole study was divided into two parts. The instruments employed in this study included: Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, Action Control Strategy Inventory, Cognitive Strategy Inventory, Reading Comprehension Test of the Social Science(A, B, C, D, E, F), Teacher’s manual of the “Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event” program, recorders and magnetic tapes. In Study Ⅰ, the researcher proposed a Self-Regulated Learning Model which included the components of intrinsic motivation, action control, cognitive strategy, and learning performance and verified the goodness of fit of the Self-Regulated Learning Model. The participants were 303 sixth-grade students from elementary school in northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The results indicated that the Self-Regulated Learning Model fitted the observed data well in preliminary, overall, and internal structure model fit criteria. In study Ⅱ, the researcher designed a program of Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event for Elementary Social Science Education and examined the effects by aptitude and event measurement. In the part of aptitude measurement, the participants were 80 high- and low-ability students belonging to experimental group (Class A and B) and control group (Class C and D). The experimental group received a teaching program of Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event for Elementary Social Science Education, the control group received only the reading exercises. Both of the two groups were administered the pre-test, the post-test, and the delayed test. The results indicated that the teaching program of Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event could promote reading comprehension, contextual comprehension, inferential comprehension, final assessment, intrinsic motivation, task value, beliefs of ability, action control, motivational control, emotional control, cognitive strategy, general cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy of the experimental group. And the program can maintain their performance of the orientation of mastery. But the experimental group and the contrast group did not find differences in emotional control variables on both post-test and delayed test. In the part of event measurement, the participants were 24 high- and low-ability students belonging to experimental group (Class A and B) and control group (Class C and D). The researcher collected data with the use of the event measurement. The instruments employed in this part of study Ⅱ included: Reading Comprehension Test of the Social Science(D, E, F), the criteria of event measurement of social science, recorders and magnetic tapes. The results showed that the teaching program of Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event could promote action control, cognitive strategy of the experimental group immediately and continuously. The experimental group and the control group found the differences in intrinsic motivation variables on post-test, but did not find differences on delayed test. To conclude, the results of Study Ⅰ and Ⅱ supported the effects of the “Self-Regulated Learning Measured as Aptitude and Event” program, Based on the results of the study, the researcher also provided a discussion in which some recommendations have been made regarding instructional assistance and future studies.



自我調整學習, 內在動機, 行動控制, 認知策略, 社會領域, self-regulated learning, intrinsic motivation, action control, cognitive strategy, social science





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