

摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣國民小學運用社區資源與學校效能之現況,採用文獻分析及自編「臺北縣國民小學運用社區資源與學校效能調查問卷」為研究工具,調查511位教師,經統計各變項層面之平均數、標準差及百分比,並採用因素分析、信度分析、描述統計、t考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析與單變項變異數分析、薛費事後多重比較法、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法據以分析資料: 本研究所得到的主要結論如下: 一、臺北縣國民小學運用社區資源達到「資源整合」、「整合學習」的目標,以發展學校整體效能的觀念,已受教育人員普遍的認同。 二、台北縣偏遠地區國民小學之教育人員對於運用社區資源之「教育價值與認知」及「具體策略」分層面及學校效能「學生學習表現」分層面之認知明顯高於其他地區之教育人員 三、台北縣國民小學教育人員因其服務年資、學歷、職務及學校規模之不同對於學校運用社區資源的認知有影響 四、台北縣國民小學教育人員因其年齡、服務年資、學歷、職務及學校規模之不同對於學校運用社區資源後提昇學校效能之認知有影響 五、台北縣國民小學教育人員對於學校運用社區資源之認知與運用後提昇學校效能之認知呈現正相關 本研究的建議如下: 一、對教育主管機關的建議 (一)照顧偏遠地區,繼續教育優先區政策,達到城鄉平衡 (二)重視社區總體營造,推動有利於學習的社區環境 (三)定期舉辦有關運用社區資源與學校效能之教育訓練與研習活動 二、對學校單位的建議 (一)適當安排調整教師兼任行政職務,增加教師擔任行政工作的機會 (二)校長應以身做則,建立良好公共關係,引進社區資源,提昇學校效能 (三)善用社區資源,解決學校問題,協助校務發展。 (四)藉由社區參與,促進學校社區化,社區學校化 三、對教師的建議 (一)善用社區資源,豐富教學內容,提升教師效能 (二)教師應多參與校務經營工作,建立生命共同體的觀念
Abstract The purpose of the research is to understand the using of community resources and the effectiveness in elementary school in Taipei County. The research employed documents analysis and questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey was conducted using “The employment of community resources and effectiveness in elementary school in Taipei County questionnaire”, and collected 511 valid samples from elementary school teachers. The average, statistical dispersion, and percentages of variants were analyzed statistically, using factor analysis, reliability estimation, the descriptive statistics, t test, one-way MANOVA, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe’s method. The results of this research are as follows: 1. Education workers in elementary schools in Taipei county generally can generally identify with the idea of employing community resources to achieve the goal of “resources integration” and “integrated learning”, and thus to enhance the effectiveness of schools. 2. Education workers in rural elementary schools Taipei County have higher recognition aspects of educational value and acknowledgement and strategies in employment of community resources, as well as students’ performance in school effectiveness than education workers in other areas of Taipei County. 3. Variants such as age, working experience, education background, position, and school sizes affect the recognition of using community resources. 4. Variants such as age, working experience, education background, position, and school sizes affect to the recognition of using community resources to enhance school effectiveness. 5. For education workers in elementary schools in Taipei County, the correlation between the recognition of employing community resources and the enhancement of school effectiveness is positive. The suggestions of the research are as follow: 1. To the education administrative offices: (1)Remove the bureaucratic structure in schools and practice school-based management. (2)Be more attentive to rural schools and continue the “Education Priority Area” policy to achieve the balanced development in city and rural areas. (3)Hold the training sessions of using community resources for teachers. 2. To the school administrative: (1)Make adjustments to help teachers doing administrative works, and increase the opportunity for teachers working in administrative works. (2)The principles should make examples to establish good relationship with the community, and employ more resources to elevate the school effectiveness. (3)Use community resources to solve problems in schools and help the future development. (4)By the encouraging the involvements of the community, facilitating the ideal of a school-based community and a community-based school. 3. To the teachers: (1)Make good use of community resources to enrich the teaching contents, and raise the effectiveness of teaching. (2)Be more active in participation of school administrative works, and develop the idea of “All for one, One for all”.



社區資源, 學校效能





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