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本研究旨在探討將「媒體素養教學方案」介入教學後,對國中生之批判性思考能力的影響。本研究採取準實驗研究法,以桃園市某一國中九年級的二個班級為研究對象,其中一班為實驗組有26 人;另一班為控制組有26 人,共計52 人。對實驗組學生進行「媒體素養教學方案」,對控制組學生不進行「媒體素養教學方案」。本研究以「批判思考測驗-第一級」為批判性思考能力之評量工具,對實驗組學生進行四週4節課的教學實驗。
關鍵字: 媒體素養,批判性思考
The Effect of Improving the Ability of Critical Thinking in the Media Literacy Teaching –A Case of a Junior High School in Taoyuan County Abstract The purpose of this study is to probe into the effects of teaching critical thinking in media literacy education on junior high school students' critical thinking skills. This very study adopts quasi-experimental design, and the subjects are 52 junior high school students, of whom 26 are put into the experiment group and the other 26 the control group. The experiment group is taught with the critical thinking approach in media literacy education classes while the control group is taught with the Integrative activities learning classes. After the quantity and quality analysis, the results indicate that After the teaching experiment, the students of the experiment group have significantly better performance than the students of the control group on the items of recognition of assumptions,inductions,deductions and evaluation of arguments, but not on the items of interpretation. Based on the results of this very experiment on teaching media literacy education,there are some suggestions for further research: 1. The model of teaching critical thinking in this study is of great worth in Integrative activities learning area in junior high school. 2.The duration of experiment should be extended. 3. The subjects should be selected from different schools in different areas. 4. Topics of teaching activities should be related to the teaching materials and to the students' daily life experience. Keywords:Critical Thinking,Media Literacy Teaching
The Effect of Improving the Ability of Critical Thinking in the Media Literacy Teaching –A Case of a Junior High School in Taoyuan County Abstract The purpose of this study is to probe into the effects of teaching critical thinking in media literacy education on junior high school students' critical thinking skills. This very study adopts quasi-experimental design, and the subjects are 52 junior high school students, of whom 26 are put into the experiment group and the other 26 the control group. The experiment group is taught with the critical thinking approach in media literacy education classes while the control group is taught with the Integrative activities learning classes. After the quantity and quality analysis, the results indicate that After the teaching experiment, the students of the experiment group have significantly better performance than the students of the control group on the items of recognition of assumptions,inductions,deductions and evaluation of arguments, but not on the items of interpretation. Based on the results of this very experiment on teaching media literacy education,there are some suggestions for further research: 1. The model of teaching critical thinking in this study is of great worth in Integrative activities learning area in junior high school. 2.The duration of experiment should be extended. 3. The subjects should be selected from different schools in different areas. 4. Topics of teaching activities should be related to the teaching materials and to the students' daily life experience. Keywords:Critical Thinking,Media Literacy Teaching
媒體素養, 批判性思考, Critical Thinking, Media Literacy Teaching