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廣泛使用量詞是漢語的語言特色之一,其功能繁多且與計量對象間存在著複雜的搭配關係,使得量詞成了母語不具量詞系統的華語學習者普遍較難習得的詞類。選用量詞詞義及用法說明詳盡的教材,搭配上有效課堂教學是提升量詞學習成效的關鍵。本研究以當今臺灣華語教學領域廣泛使用的華語教材中的40個常用量詞作為研究對象,結合中央研究院平衡語料庫、《國語日報量詞典》及中文詞彙網路來探討其詞義分類、義項使用頻率、形體特徵,探究互為近義關係之量詞的異同,同時檢視華語教材的編排及對於各量詞的說明是否完善,最後再將研究結果應用於課程設計之中,並提出教學建議供華語教師參考。  根據研究結果,發現華語教材對這40個常用量詞用法說明不足,且部分具有多重義項的量詞,其義項的收錄順序也與其於真實語料中使用頻率的高低排序不相符。對此,本研究認為在編寫教材時,應列出幾個較為典型又符合學習者程度的搭配詞,且量詞義項收錄順序除了應由易到難,由具體到抽象以外,也須考量量詞義頻高低,優先教授使用頻率高的量詞義項。  除了詞義頻率的探討,這40個常用量詞亦包含形狀量詞和互為近義關係的量詞。從漢語量詞教學的角度來看,由於形狀量詞自帶的形體特徵多源自於其本義,故應強調該形狀量詞的形態、空間維度概念與其搭配詞外形特徵的連結。另外,關於近義量詞的辨別,有鑑於單從詞典釋義難以得知其間的差異,教師應先確認學習者了解各量詞的特點,接著再透過搭配詞特徵及分布情形的比較,協助學習者區分近義量詞在使用上的異同。
Classifier, or measure word, is a unique word class in Chinese language. Classifiers are utilised along with numbers to define the amount of a given object or with demonstratives to identify specific objects. Due to the influence of the grammatical structure of Indo-European languages, the development of Chinese classifiers as an individual word class is relatively late comparing to other word classes. Chinese classifiers are multi-functional and have a non-random collocation between them and the objects which make learning Chinese classifiers challenging when it comes to learners whose first language has no systematic use of classifiers.  Teaching materials with detailed explanation of the use of classifiers and effective instructional methods play important roles in learning Chinese classifiers. This study aims to probe into the difficulties of learning Chinese classifiers and provide solutions to each potential issue by reviewing teaching materials, applying the research results to instructional design, and giving practical advice to instructors. To do so, this study selects 40 commonly-used classifiers from Chinese teaching materials as the target classifiers, and further explores the distinctive features of these Chinese classifiers such as the frequency of lexical meanings, cognitive foundations, and near-synonymous relations through corpus data analysis.  The finding of this study suggests that the frequency of lexical meanings of a Chinese classifier should be taken into consideration when deciding the teaching order of its multiple lexical meanings along with other criteria such as the complexity of its collocation or the lexical level of the classifier itself. Additionally, providing some typical collocations also facilitates learners’ understanding of the use of a classifier. As for shape-based classifiers, most of the shape-related features root in their original meanings. It is important for the learners to understand the development of a shape-based Chinese classifier and its connection with the object’s figure. Regarding the near-synonymous Chinese classifiers, since their lexical meanings in dictionaries are usually quite similar to one another, the means to distinguish these near-synonymous Chinese classifiers from each other is to compare the features of their collocations. However, the instructor should make sure that the learners understand the distinctive features of each individual classifier before comparing them together.



華語教材, 常用量詞, 詞義頻率, 形狀量詞, 近義量詞, 漢語量詞教學, Commonly-used classifiers, Chinese teaching materials, frequency of lexical meanings, shape-based classifiers, near-synonymous classifiers, Chinese classifier teaching





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