

近年來學生文化常被視為是教育成功與否的關鍵,學生的想法與教育工作者不同時,教育就很難成功,國內近幾年來雖有許多學生文化的研究,卻鮮少以高中學生作為探究對象,特別是高中女學生。基於此,本研究主要在探究高中女學生文化,特別著重於高中女學生的課業生活面向。 文化是一個複雜的概念,在定義上的廣狹將會使文化研究有所不同,而在1961年一批從事醫學院學生文化研究的學者們(Becker、Geer、Hughes和Strauss),將文化視為是學生們所共享的「觀點」,本研究將承此看法,探究高中女學生們所共享的觀點。 本研究採取民族誌方法,選擇一所公立的女子高級中學(化名為中間女子高中)的一個文組班級與一個理組班級,共兩個班級,進行為期一個學期的參與觀察,研究過程中,研究者以觀察和多次的訪談方式,收集以課業生活方面為主的高中女學生文化的相關資料,再分析整理資料,並進一步詮釋與討論。透過田野研究的過程,瞭解高中女學生的日常校園生活,以及她們對自己和對課業生活的觀點。就課業生活方面而言,高中女學生文化的內容可以歸納出四個部分,分別是女學生的學校觀、課程觀、組別觀以及未來觀,就研究結果進一步討論,歸納出以下的結論: 一、高中女學生文化是順應學校的文化。 二、高中女學生的課業生活反映出了傳統的性別觀念。 三、學校維持並強化了高中女學生的傳統性別觀念。 最後,根據研究結果提出研究者個人的反思,並且依據研究過程中曾遭遇到的困難和限制,對未來相關研究提出建議,以作為教育研究的參考。
The culture of students has been viewed as a key point to success of education in recent years. There have been a lot of studies about this topic, but there were only a few studied focusing on senior high school students, especially girl students. The study is to inquire the culture of senior high school girl students , particularly focusing on the part of schoolwork. In 1961, Becker, Geer, Hughes and Strauss view student culture as the perspectives which are shared within a group. From the point of view, the main purpose of the study is to explore the perspectives of students. The study adapts the ethnographic approach, and ethnographic study usually collects data by long-term participant observations and interviews. Therefore, A public girls’senior high school in north part of Taiwan was selected and one class for each major participated. Key informant interviews and focus group interviews were conducted and the data from participant observation and interviews were analyzed, interpreted and discussed. Through the field study, I inquire how senior high school girl students act in everyday school life and what they think of their schoolwork and themselves. When focusing on the part of schoolwork, the contents of student culture include perspectives in school, perspectives in curriculum, perspectives in major subjects and ideas about their future. Research results are as follow: 1.The culture of girl students in this senior high school conforms to school. 2.The perspectives in schoolwork of senior high school girl students reflect the gender relationship in society at large. 3.The school maintains and reinforces girl students’ perspctives in gender relationship.



學生文化, 課業生活, 分流教育, student culture, schoolwork, streaming education





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