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2021年10月,社交軟體臉書(Facebook)母公司正式宣告更名為Meta,此舉開啟「元宇宙」一詞廣為各界關注的序幕,盼能透過科技的輔助,以元宇宙高沉浸度之特性,為各領域帶來前所未見的影響。於此同時,為提供消費者有別於過往的全新購物體驗,各大品牌、企業也隨之爭相進入元宇宙市場中進行探索,望能藉此創建品牌的全新銷售通路渠道,促使消費者得以嘗試獨特消費體驗感受。然而,若欲於元宇宙中進行產品資訊呈現,了解沉浸式科技於產品資訊推廣上是否有一定的潛力,及於其中應如何拿捏訊息呈現方式,以促成消費者行為之正向影響變得至關重要,由此,本研究採 2(介面沉浸度:元宇宙/高沉浸度 vs. 網頁/低沉浸度)x 2(訊息負荷量:高訊息負荷量 vs. 低訊息負荷量)的二因子組間實驗設計,以探討兩自變項對於依變項消費者行為(品牌記憶、品牌態度、購買意願)的影響。本研究結果證實:(1)元宇宙介面相較於網頁介面,對於消費者行為有較佳的影響;(2)雖然於消費者行為中,訊息負荷量對其並無顯著影響,但低訊息負荷量較高訊息負荷量能使消費者產生更佳之品牌記憶,而高訊息負荷量相比於低訊息負荷量,更能促使消費者產生較佳之品牌態度及購買意願;(3)無論為高或低之訊息負荷量,不同沉浸度之介面對於品牌記憶並不會有差異;(4)在低訊息負荷量中,元宇宙介面相較於網頁介面,更能使消費者展現較佳的品牌態度及購買意願。
In October 2021, the social media software company Facebook officially announced its rebranding as Meta. This move marked the beginning of widespread interest in the"Metaverse." It aims to bring unprecedented impacts to various fields through its immersive nature. At the same time, major brands and businesses have been actively exploring the metaverse market to provide consumers with a unique shopping experience, aiming to create new channels for brand promotion and enabling consumers to enjoy distinct retail experiences. Effectively presenting product information within the metaverse and comprehending the potential of immersive technology for product promotion are essential factors for positively impacting consumer behavior. Therefore, this study adopts a 2 (Interface Immersion: Metaverse / High Immersion vs. Web / Low Immersion) x 2 (Information Load: High Information Load vs. Low Information Load) two-factor between-subjects experimental design to investigate the impact of these two independent variables on consumer behavior (brand memory, brand attitude, purchase intention) as dependent variables.The results of this study confirm the following findings: (1) Metaverse interfaces have a more favorable impact on consumer behavior compared to web interfaces; (2) While information load does not significantly affect consumer behavior, low information load leads to better brand memory, whereas high information load leads to better brand attitude and purchase intention; (3) Regardless of whether information load is high or low, interfaces with different levels of immersion do not significantly differ in terms of brand memory; (4) In the case of low information load, metaverse interfaces generate a more favorable brand attitude and purchase intention compared to web interfaces.
In October 2021, the social media software company Facebook officially announced its rebranding as Meta. This move marked the beginning of widespread interest in the"Metaverse." It aims to bring unprecedented impacts to various fields through its immersive nature. At the same time, major brands and businesses have been actively exploring the metaverse market to provide consumers with a unique shopping experience, aiming to create new channels for brand promotion and enabling consumers to enjoy distinct retail experiences. Effectively presenting product information within the metaverse and comprehending the potential of immersive technology for product promotion are essential factors for positively impacting consumer behavior. Therefore, this study adopts a 2 (Interface Immersion: Metaverse / High Immersion vs. Web / Low Immersion) x 2 (Information Load: High Information Load vs. Low Information Load) two-factor between-subjects experimental design to investigate the impact of these two independent variables on consumer behavior (brand memory, brand attitude, purchase intention) as dependent variables.The results of this study confirm the following findings: (1) Metaverse interfaces have a more favorable impact on consumer behavior compared to web interfaces; (2) While information load does not significantly affect consumer behavior, low information load leads to better brand memory, whereas high information load leads to better brand attitude and purchase intention; (3) Regardless of whether information load is high or low, interfaces with different levels of immersion do not significantly differ in terms of brand memory; (4) In the case of low information load, metaverse interfaces generate a more favorable brand attitude and purchase intention compared to web interfaces.
元宇宙, 訊息負荷量, 品牌記憶, 品牌態度, 購買意願, 消費者行為, Metaverse, Information Load, Brand Memory, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intention, Consumer Behavior