
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探究基測實施後,歷史教師的教學評量是否受基測試題影響而轉化。本研究採用內容分析法,透過社會學習領域七至九年級基本內容之歷史部分、歷史學科主題類型、Bloom教育目標分類之認知歷程向度與試題結構型式等四大向度,分析基測歷史試題與學校教學評量歷史試題之特色,並比較兩類試題之異同,歸納出教學評量歷史試題如何受基測歷史試題趨勢之影響。研究並經由與訪談對象之對談,了解學校教師之觀點,分析教師在命題過程中如何受基測之影響而有所轉化。 綜合研究之發現與討論,得出以下結論: 一、在基本內容方面,基測與教學評量試題的相同點是:(1)均以「西力東來的挑戰與回應」最多;(2)均有跨時間與區域之試題;(3)均有無法歸類於基本內容的試題。 二、在歷史學科主題類型方面,基測與教學評量試題都偏重在「政治興革」類型。 三、在試題結構形式方面,兩類試題都以「簡述題」的比例最高。 四、在認知層次方面,基測試題著重「了解」,教學評量試題則以「記憶」為主。 五、在教學評量試題的內容重點,教師的評量受基測試題內容所影響。 六、在試題的認知層次與結構方面,教師評量較不受基測試題主導。 根據研究結論,分別提出對歷史教師、教育單位與未來研究方向作出建議,期望完善的基測試題能為「考試領導教學」的現象帶來正向影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to access how the Basic Competence Test (BCT) influenced history teachers’ instructional assessments at a junior high school in Taipei. Data were analyzed using content analysis and four classifications which were history of Basic Competence Content in 7th to 9th Graders, main topics, cognitive process dimension of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, and question constructions. This study aimed at analyzing and comparing history questions of BCT and those of examinations at JHS in an attempt to access how BCT influenced instructional assessments. In addition, this study applied interviews to explore history teachers’ perspectives and how they interacted in formulating questions. To conclude the findings and discussions, the results of this research were as following. First of all, in the Basic Competence Content, there are three similarities between both BCT questions and the questions of history instructional assessments. 1. Most of the test questions which were selected from the category of “the challenges and responds from western countries”. 2. Some of the test questions which are integrated time and subjects. 3. Some of the questions which couldn’t be categorized in the Basic Competence Content. Second, in the main topics, both the BCT questions and the questions of history instructional assessments emphasize on the type of “political innovation”. Third, in the construction of the test questions, there was high proportion on the “simple description test questions” of both the BCT questions and the questions of history instructional assessments. Fourth, in the cognitive process dimension, the BCT questions were focus on “understanding”. However the questions of instructional assessments were highly emphasis on “memory”. Fifth, in the important content of instructional assessments, the questions which were designed by school teachers were influenced by the BCT. Sixth, in the cognitive and construction of the test questions, the assessments of school teachers were not influenced much by the BCT. According to the results, the suggestions were provided for history teachers, Educational departments and the directions of the future research. It was expected that the phenomenon of “the examination leads teaching” could be positive effects by the reformed of the BCT questions.en_US
dc.subjectthe Basic Competence Testen_US
dc.subjectsocial studiesen_US
dc.subjecthistory teachingen_US
dc.subjectcontent analysisen_US

