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本研究旨以「個人」、「歷程」、「產品」與「環境」四個向度為研究個案人物兒童劇場徐琬瑩導演的創造力向度,以發掘徐琬瑩導演之個人特質與其創造力產出的關係;暸解徐琬瑩導演創作《小花》兒童劇的創造力歷程;以創造力產品向度觀點來探討兒童劇《小花》的創造力特性;以創造力環境向度觀察【如果兒童劇團】與徐琬瑩導演創造力產出的關係。 從創造力相關的個人向度「知識」、「人格特質」、「動機」與「思考型態」向度上,研究結果歸納徐琬瑩導演的創造力產出與個人向度之關係:一、兒童劇場導演的知識向度扮演創造力產出的重要性基礎。二、兒童劇場導演須具備創造性人格特質。三、兒童劇場導演內在動機之驅力為「心流經驗」之所需。四、兒童劇場導演思考型態須與有利創造力產出型態的一致。 在歷程向度中研究發現徐琬瑩導演創作兒童劇《小花》歷程中的「決定劇本」、「劇本分析」、「與設計群合作」、「排戲」與「正式演出」過程中所經歷的準備期、醞釀期、豁朗期、驗證期與最後執行階段中,也形成一循環式的動態創造力歷程:一、累積創作源。二、創作聯想。三、建立架構與旁支。四、具體化想法與可行性。五、修正再溝通。六、呈現與回饋。 在產品向度上,本研究發現徐琬瑩導演在個人層次與觀眾等社會文化層次的評析上觀點上是有其一致性的,必須具備新穎性與價值性。 在環境向度上發現來自家庭、教育與其工作環境的氛圍能提供支持徐琬瑩導演創造力產出的條件。 最後根據前述結論、研究過程之分析與心得,提出對於實務工作者相關研究建議,希望對於有興趣從創造性人物身上學習其典範研究者有其幫助;也礙於本研究之限制,期盼未來對該議題有興趣之研究者,能有更進一步的實證研究,延伸研究觸角於相關戲劇與創造力的領域之中。
The purpose of the study is to explore the creativity elements by viewpoint of Person, Process, Product and Place from a children theatre director’s Shiu Wan Ying, production of “Lil Flora” in IfKids children theatre. By case study method, including in-deph interviews and observation, this study attempt to figure out this four aspects, like Person, Process, Product and Place creativity. In aspect of Person, there are four elements concluded by knowledge, personality traits, motivation and thinking style that affect creativity.1. Knowledge plays an important role as creativity fund. 2. To posses creative personality traits. 3. Intrinsic motivation is necessary for Flow experience 4. Thinking style is tend to produce creativity. In aspect of Process, which is conducted with the process of “Lil Flora” directing, like script choosing, script analysizing, cooperating with art crew, rehersal, formal performance via the Preparation stage, Incubation stage, Illumination stage, Verification stage and Implementation stage, forming a circling process. 1. Accumulating the source of creation. 2. Associating with creation. 3. Building a framework. 4. Revising and communicating. 5.Performing and feedback. In aspect of Product, this study figure out the consistence viewpoint in individual and social-culture level. Conclision obtained from novelty and valuable trait. In aspect of Place, including family background, school educatin, and working field environment, which support creation is very important. Finally, based on the finding of this study, the researcher makes some suggestions for future studies researchers and field workers, interested in combining creativity and drama or theatre issues.



兒童劇場, 兒童劇場導演, 創造力, 創造力歷程, Children’s Theatre, director of Children’s Theatre, creativity, creativity process





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