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中文摘要 本研究主要探討高級中學祕書組織溝通角色,藉由祕書在學校組織中所扮演的溝通角色之運作現況,瞭解高中祕書組織溝通角色的範圍、所發揮的功能及影響,面臨的困境及其影響,並探討回應高中祕書組織溝通困境之策略。 為達上述目的,本研究以一所高級中學祕書組織溝通情形為主要研究之範疇,針對文獻探討編製訪談大綱,透過個案學校祕書、校長、行政人員、教師及家長之半結構式訪談,將相關資料彙整後進行分析與歸納,最後根據文獻探討及訪談結果,形成本研究之結論並據此提出建議,供個案學校祕書組織溝通角色之參考。 根據本研究訪談結果之歸納分析,獲得以下結論: 一、祕書是全方位的組織溝通角色。 二、祕書能藉由組織溝通有效協調各方立場。 三、提升祕書組織溝通角色功能之有效策略 四、祕書在組織溝通角色中所面臨的困境及影響。 伍、祕書在組織溝通中面臨困境之回應。 根據研究結論,針對個案學校祕書組織溝通之建議如下: 一、各處室應建立學校組織制度及會議程序及辦理各別之行政業務增能研習。 二、 校長應賦予祕書更多自主權及藉由獎勵及回饋機制,給予祕書支持與協助。 三、祕書應恪守行政倫理、協助校長建構團隊願景以營造學習組織文化、輔佐校長校長形塑開放組織溝通氣氛、協助學校蘊育團隊意識以促進溝通效率及高中祕書需具備人格特質以利進行組織溝通。 四、教師與家長應主動與祕書進行溝通,共同協助學校成為相互合作及支援的學習型組織。 關鍵詞:祕書、組織溝通、角色、高級中學
Abstract This study investigated the role of senior high school secretaries in organizational communication, examining their communication role performance in the school system to determine the scope of their role as well as the function and influence of their roles and the problems they encounter. Moreover, this study explored strategies for addressing the possible communication problems experienced by senior high school secretaries in their work. A senior high school in Taichung, Taiwan, was used as a case study. To realize the mentioned objectives, we focused on the organizational communication performance of the secretary of the examined senior high school and compiled an interview outline after analyzing the related literature. Data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with the school secretary, principal, administrative staff, teachers, and students’ parents; the collected data were subsequently analyzed and summarized. Findings of this study were obtained by combining the interview and literature review results. Furthermore, this study proposes recommendations that can serve as a reference for secretaries in executing their organizational communication responsibilities. The findings of this study derived by analyzing and summarizing the interview results are outlined as follows: 1.Secretary is an omnipotent character in organization communications. 2.Secretary is capable of reconciling all the standpoints among parties with organization communications. 3.Secretary is a functional character to elevate effective strategies in organization communication. 4.Secretary would confront to predicaments and affections as an organization communicator. 5.Secretary would respond to predicaments in organization communications. Based upon the results, the suggestions about the case are as follows: 1.Each office should establish school organization system, conference proceedings, and manage administrative business learning respectively. 2.Principal should empower secretary more and bestow supports and assistances upon them via rewards and feedback mechanism. 3.Secretary should comply with administrative ethics, assisting principal to construct learning organization cultures through constructive team visions; simultaneously, should assist principal to concrete opened atmosphere of organization communication and breed team spirit, to facilitate communication efficiency. Keywords: secretary, organizational communication, role, senior high school



高級中學, 祕書, 組織溝通, 角色, senior high school, secretary, organizational communication, role





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