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阿倫˙柯普蘭 ( Aaron Copland, 1900 – 1990 ) 為美國最具代表性的作曲家之一,柯普蘭不是出生在音樂世家,也沒有經過正規音樂學院的訓練,而是憑著自己對於音樂的熱愛與努力求學,先後受到哥德馬克 ( Rubin Goldmark, 1872-1936 )與布朗傑 ( Nadia Boulanger, 1887-1979 )老師的教導,立志成為傑出的作曲家。本文將深入探討其作品《十二首艾蜜莉˙狄金生的詩》,此組作品由柯普蘭親自挑選女詩人艾蜜莉˙狄金生 ( Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886 ) 的詩作其中的十二首詩詞,加以譜寫成曲而成的十二首歌曲。 為能深入了解此作品,本文由研究作曲家的生平與其作曲風格,以及詩人的生平與詩作風格,探討此作品中的樂曲結構和詩詞的相關背景,並根據詩意與音樂風格提出詮釋演唱此組作品的建議。 本文共分為五個章節,其中包含緒論、作曲家的生平與作曲風格、詩人的生平與詩作風格、《十二首艾蜜莉˙狄金生的詩》之分析與詮釋以及結語。 關鍵字:柯普蘭、狄金生、《十二首艾蜜莉˙狄金生的詩》
Aaron Copland (1900 - 1990) is one of the most representative composers in the United States. Copeland is not born in the music family and has not been trained by the regular music college, but with his own music Love and study hard, has been taught by teacher, Rubin Goldmark ( 1872-1936 ) and Nadia Boulanger ( 1887-1979 ) , determined to become an outstanding composer. This article will explore in depth the works of "Twelve Emily Dickinson's poems", which is selected by Copeland personally twelve poems by poet Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), to be written into a song made of twelve songs. In order to understand this work deeply, this paper studies the composition of the composer and the style of the composer and the poet's life and poetic style, and explores the background of the music structure and the poem in this work, and puts forward the interpretation of this group according to the poetic and musical style for work on this work . This article is divided into five chapters, including the introduction, the composer's life and composition style, poet's life and poetic style, "Twelve Emily Dickinson's poem" analysis and interpretation and conclusion. Key words: Copeland, Dickinson, "Twelve Emily Dickinson's poems"



柯普蘭, 狄金生, 《十二首艾蜜莉˙狄金生的詩》, Copeland, Dickinson, Twelve Emily Dickinson's poems





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