

摘 要 本研究旨在探討公立職業訓練機構推動產訓合作的影響因素及內涵,期間同時探討先進國家的實施經驗,藉以建構出產訓合作的核心要素及理念價值,最後研擬推動產訓合作的因應策略。 本研究屬於理論建構階段的探索性研究,因而採以歷史研究與個案研究釋例為特色的質化研究方法,期間並透過文件分析、文獻蒐集、深度訪談、和紮根理論分析、三角檢定等研究技術,逐一整理、編碼和歸納出有關推動產訓合作個案的經驗事實,進而將分析歸納形成理論層級的理念價值和經驗層級的經驗事實進行反覆的對照比較和逐次逼近,以形成研究結論。 現謹將本研究之重要研究成果及結論發現摘述如下: 壹、本研究歸納公立職業訓練機構推動產訓合作的影響因素,經群聚分析共有90種影響因素。至於產訓合作的核心要素則有14項,包括1.形塑產訓的願景,2.產訓理念與規範,3.產訓角色與定位,4.人力資源與需求,5.職能發展與建構,6.組織文化與管理,7.產訓類型與內涵,8.產訓創新與分工,9.企業融入與溝通,10.師資專業與魅力,11.學員條件與期望,12.產訓招生與甄選,13.計畫執行與考核,14.就業輔導與媒合。 貳、融合德國雙軌制與澳洲TAFE就業導向訓練的實施經驗,對我國推動產訓合作訓練產生4項的啟示。 參、本研究所獲得推動產訓合作的理念價值計5大項12小項包括:1.就業導向的職業訓練與願景定位;2.市場導向的產訓發展與職能建構;3.分工導向的競爭生態與創新策略;4.需求導向的組織轉型與核心議題;5.產業導向的職訓雄心與經營策略。 肆、因應推動產訓合作的理念價值發現,本研究彙整並研擬出12項因應策略及43項具體作為以供參卓。 關鍵詞:職業訓練、產訓合作、產學訓、策略、紮根理論
Abstract This study was aimed to explore the strategies of cooperation between the public vocational training institutions and the industry. This study was aimed to investigate the affecting factors and contents of the promotion of cooperation between the public vocational training institutions and explore how its implementation is undertaken in advanced countries in the hope to establish the core components and values as well as the feasible strategies for further promotion. The exploratory study adopted a qualitative inquiry method for an exclusive case study throughout in-depth interviewing, secondary data collection, document analysis and use of grounded theory to summarize, code and induct the data into the formation of research conclusions involving theoretical values and relevant experience fact. The major findings were illustrated as follows: 1. The study concluded the affecting factors of the promotion of the cooperation between the public vocational training institutions and the industry by clustering analysis on 90 affecting factors. Fourteen core components of cooperation between training institutions and the industry merged such as (1) the formation of vision (2) values and regulations (3) role-playing and features (4) human resources and demand (5) development and construction (6) organizational culture and management (7) types and contents of the cooperation (8) innovation and collaboration (9) business immersion and communication (10) profession and charms of trainers (11) qualification and expectation of trainees (12) recruitment and enrollment (13) execution and evaluation of projects (14) guidance and recommendation of employment. 2. The integration of Germany Dual System Vocational Training and Australian TAFE provided enriched employment experiences on employment-oriented training in Taiwan, which also generated 4 constructive and innovative improvement on the industry and training cooperation. 3. The research proposition resulted from the qualitative inquiry consisted of (1) the employment-oriented vocational training (2) the build-up of market-oriented career skills (3) the task-oriented cooperation and collaboration (4) the demand-oriented core competitions (5) the industry-oriented management strategies. 4. Eventually, this study synthesized 12 employment strategies and 43 feasible tasks according to the findings of research compositions and vision of cooperation between the vocational training institutions and the industry. Keywords: vocational training, cooperation between the vocational training institutions and the industry, industry-academic-training, strategy, Grounded Theory.



職業訓練, 產訓合作, 產學訓, 策略, 紮根理論, vocational training, cooperation between the vocational training institutions and the industry, industry-academic-training, strategy, Grounded Theory





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