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第三文化小孩在成長過程中,跟著父母到不同國家居住,要不斷的面對跨文化的適應,對其心理幸福感有顯著影響!在這過程中不變而又對第三文化小孩有顯著影響力的是其家庭。過去針對這方面的研究多集中在移動對第三文化小孩身心方面的負面影響,或針對其性格特質的研究。因此,本研究目的在探討家庭中的兩個重要功能-家庭適應能力(family adaptability)和家庭凝聚力(family cohesion)和第三文化小孩(third culture kids, TCKs)心理幸福感(psychological well-being)的關係,並以跨文化適應為仲介效果。本研究於2020年5月至10月期間,透過不同機構、學校、個人朋友圈等途徑發放問卷,回收後有效問卷總計202份,再進行研究分析。結果顯示,如以家庭為整體來分析,家庭功能對第三文化小孩的跨文化適應和心理幸福感都有顯著的正向影響。分開家庭適應能力和家庭凝聚力來分析,家庭適應能力對第三文化小孩的跨文化適應有顯著的正向影響,但對心理幸福感的影響未達顯著;家庭凝聚能力對跨文化適應的影響未達顯著,但對幸福心理感的影響達顯著;跨文化適應對幸福心理感的影響未達顯著,而仲介效果也不成立。最後,依據實證分析之結果,討論本研究之限制、對關心第三文化孩童的家長和機構給予實務應用參考,以及提出對於未來學術研究的建議。
This quantitative study on Third Culture Kids (TCKs) was conducted to illustrate the relationships between family functions (adaptability and cohesion) and the psychological well-being of TCKs, with acculturation adaptation as mediation among TCKs aged 11-18 and currently living outside both parents’ passport country (ies). TCKs are people who were raised in a culture other than their parents or the culture of their country of nationality for a significant part of their child development years (Pollock& Ruth, 2009). This investigation surveyed TCKs around the world using the snowball method of sending questionnaires to international schools, mission organizations, personal friends and TCK groups on Facebook and Instagram. The scales used in this research include Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales IV (FACES IV), the Vancouver Index of Acculturation (VIA) and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB). Results from the surveys reveal that family flexibility has a significant impact on TCKs’ acculturation adaption while having no significant relationship with their PWB score. Family cohesion is shown to be significantly related to TCKs’ acculturation adaptation even though it does not have a significant impact on their PWB score. TCKs’ acculturation adaptation also does not have a significant relationship with their PWB score. This study also demonstrates that there is no mediation effect for TCKs’ acculturation adaptation.



第三文化小孩, 家庭適應力, 家庭凝聚力, 跨文化適應, 心理幸福感, third culture kids, family adaptability, family cohesion, acculturation adaptation, psychological well-being





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