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本研究之目的主要關注健康促進學校之六大範疇中-學校與社區之關係範疇,以社 區充能之理論依據進行學校與社區人員社區充能行動力之教育模組,透過充能導向課 程、夥伴關係工作坊建立雙方社區意識、產生社區充能,獲得充能行動力。本研究共兩 年,第一年主要為針對全國參加健康促進學校之學校單位進行社區意識、社區充能與社 區行動力全面性調查,除瞭解目前學校與社區之充能行動現況外,亦作為本研究介入策 略的重要參考依據。第二年主要是發展介入模組,進行介入與評價,依據標準選取符合 條件之學校與社區後再隨機將之分派為實驗A、B 組與對照組,共預計選取6 個學校與 鄰近社區。實驗組A 給予2 個半月之「學校與社區組織人員充能行動教育模組」,包含 社區充能課程與社區夥伴關係工作坊,實驗組B 給予一般專家會議諮詢,對照組不給 予任何介入。於實驗介入結束後1 個月與3 個月進行成效評價。本研究之評量包括形成 評量、過程評量及成效評量,以「社區意識」、「社區充能」與「充能行動力」等問卷進 行調查、配合訪談、觀察記錄收集質性之評量資料。 本研究期待能將此研究經驗,提供當前學校衛生與公共衛生主管機關在建立「健 康促進學校夥伴關係」之參考,以促使學校與社區發展共同解決健康問題之行動力,此 外,本研究之具體成果可提供給教育部及衛生署等行政單位,作為發展「健康促進學校 評價指標」之具體參考依據。
The aim of this study focus on one of six domains-the relationships between schools and communities in health promoting schools and to develop the empowerment action module for the members in schools and communities based on the theory of community empowerment. We hope the educational module can improve them in collaboration to improve the sense of community, community empowerment and empowerment actions. This is a 2-years program. The first year is to analyze the sense of community, community empowerment and empowerment actions for the members in all of health promoting schools in Taiwan. The results can be the guild line to design the intervention module. The second year is to develop, implement and evaluate the empowerment action module. A equivalent experiment control group design is used in this study. We will select six schools from all of health promoting schools in Taiwan according the criteria and randomly assigned as experimental group A receiving empowerment action module including community empowerment curriculums and partnership workshop lasting 2.5 months and experimental group B receiving general meeting and consulting with experts, while the control group received no treatment during the same period. there are formative, process and outcome evaluation used in the study. Three structural questionnaires such as the senses of community, community empowerment and empowerment action will use for outcome evaluation. Interview, observation and document analysis will used for process and formative evaluations. We hope the module can be the reference for schools to establish the partnerships with neighborhood community and to develop action plan to cooperatively resolve the health problem in community. Furthermore, the results of this study can be the guild line for department of school health to establish evaluation indicators of health promoting schools.
The aim of this study focus on one of six domains-the relationships between schools and communities in health promoting schools and to develop the empowerment action module for the members in schools and communities based on the theory of community empowerment. We hope the educational module can improve them in collaboration to improve the sense of community, community empowerment and empowerment actions. This is a 2-years program. The first year is to analyze the sense of community, community empowerment and empowerment actions for the members in all of health promoting schools in Taiwan. The results can be the guild line to design the intervention module. The second year is to develop, implement and evaluate the empowerment action module. A equivalent experiment control group design is used in this study. We will select six schools from all of health promoting schools in Taiwan according the criteria and randomly assigned as experimental group A receiving empowerment action module including community empowerment curriculums and partnership workshop lasting 2.5 months and experimental group B receiving general meeting and consulting with experts, while the control group received no treatment during the same period. there are formative, process and outcome evaluation used in the study. Three structural questionnaires such as the senses of community, community empowerment and empowerment action will use for outcome evaluation. Interview, observation and document analysis will used for process and formative evaluations. We hope the module can be the reference for schools to establish the partnerships with neighborhood community and to develop action plan to cooperatively resolve the health problem in community. Furthermore, the results of this study can be the guild line for department of school health to establish evaluation indicators of health promoting schools.