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線上同步教學的發展因著當代網路科技的發達而有了大幅的發展,語言學習因不受地域的限制而能更能推廣,然而線上同步教學不同於課堂教學,教師需面臨教學平台操作、教學互動方式與教學情境改變等難題。線上同步教學的教師培訓有其必要性。 本研究觀察國立臺灣師範大學「2018年線上華語教學實務課程」的面授和實務實習課程共14週,以行動研究法反覆進行理論課程、實務教學、反思和討論;再以問卷調查法收集37位職前教師的反思感想,分析職前教師的自我成長、行動策略和協力學習(collaborative learning) 的各項表現。 本研究結果揭示:一、除了培養職前教師對基本理論的學習之外,「反思討論」和「反思之後再回實務教學的應用」,亦為影響職前教師職能發展的重要因素。二、同儕間的協同學習和組內互助為職前教師培訓過程中的重要環節,同儕間的相互支援與互助也是職前教師成長與自我調節的重要因素;最後訪談六位經由本培訓課程後成為線上教師者,分析其對本培訓課程之回饋,探討培訓課程對實質上對線上華語教師之助益和線上華語教師在教學上之需求。 另外本研究中發現,除了線上同步教學課程之外,在教學外的時間,利用訊息文字即時提問和回應也為現今師生間的教學應用方式。除了在固定的電腦前接受同步視訊教學外,利用行動裝置支援無所不在的同步學習亦為遠距教學的可能性。本研究的結果供培訓單位作為規劃同質性培訓課程之參考;此外,教學外利用文字即時訊息或是即時視訊或語音學習是否能對語言教學課程有何助益,亦為未來遠距教師培訓研究值得研究觀察的現象。
The development of online synchronous teaching has made great stride due to modern internet technology. Language learning can be promoted without geographical restriction. At the same time, online synchronous teaching is different from classroom teaching. Teachers need to face new challenges in teaching platform operation, in teaching interaction method and the change of teaching environment. Due to these challenges, teacher’s training for online synchronous teaching has its necessity. This study was conducted to observe the face-to-face and practical internship courses of the "2018 Web-Based Chinese Language Teaching Practice" of National Taiwan Normal University for 14 weeks. The action research method was repeated to carry out theoretical courses, practical teaching, reflection and discussion; and then the questionnaire survey method was used to collect the feedback from 37 pre-service teachers and analyze the self-growth, performance, and collaborative learning of these pre-service teachers. The results of this study reveal: First, in addition to the basic theory of teaching, the reflective discussion and the application of practical teaching after reflection are important factors in the functional development of pre-service teachers. Second, collaborative learning and mutual help within the group are important links in the pre-service teacher training process. Mutual support and help among the team members are also important factors for the pre-service teacher’s growth and self-regulation. Furthermore, we found another modern-day applied teaching trend in this study: the immediate feedback of question and answer between teachers and students via instant text message after class. This is in addition to online synchronous teaching. Besides receiving synchronous video teaching in front of a fixed computer, the use of mobile devices to support ubiquitous simultaneous learning also allows the possibility for distance learning. Perhaps further observation on the impact of instant text messaging, instant video or voice learning is required for the language teaching curriculum. One can then use the result as a referential point to set up distance teaching training curriculum in the future.



遠距教學, 線上同步教學, 職前教師, 華語教學, 師資培訓, distance education, online synchronous teaching, pre-service teacher, Chinese teaching, teacher training





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