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回顧各國80年代以來,教育革新以推動學校本位管理為主軸。學校層級乃教育革新推動的關鍵,國民中學教務主任在此波改革中居舉足輕重之地位。然而,綜觀教育改革之論述,聚焦在校長與教師,教務主任鮮少被提及。此外,採用認知觀點以了解行政人員對訊息與資訊的擷取,以及核心信念如何對行為產生影響的研究更是付之闕如。基於此,本研究採取質性的個案研究取徑,邀請四位專家、學者所推薦,不同學校規模與擔任教務主任年資之教務主任,透過訪談法、放聲思考法以及文件分析法蒐集資料,分別探究四位教務主任行政決定之心智模式形塑的背景脈絡、基模內涵,以及行政決定問題情境之心智運作,具體形塑個案教務主任行政決定之心智模式圖像,進一步分析資深與初任教務主任之認知差異。 根據研究結果,提出本研究的結論如下: 壹、教務主任行政決定之心智模式透過生命經歷而形塑 貳、教務主任行政決定之心智模式的形塑與運作受組織文化的影響與限制 叁、教務主任核心信念的展現奠基於豐碩多元的基模內涵 肆、核心信念是行政決定之心智模式運作的指南針 伍、初任教務主任首重溝通並需他人指引方向,資深教務主任則以經驗來判斷問題 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對各方教育主管機關以及未來研究提出建議。
The education reform in every country has concentrated on the promotion of school-based management since 1980s. The school plays an important role in the promotion of education reform and the junior high school deputy principals are significant in the movement. However, the studies of educational reform only focus on teachers and principals. Deputy principals are seldom mentioned in the literature. Moreover, there is little study about how administrative staff collects information and how their core belief influences behavior from the cognitive point of view. Hence, this thesis used qualitative case study as the research approach, through in-depth interview, think-aloud method and document analysis to collect data. The research cases involved four deputy principals recommended by scholars and experts, from different school and different years of experience. The research analyzed the background and schema which form their mental model of decision making in administration as well as the performance of their mental model when making decisions. It concretized the mental model of decision making in administration for every deputy principal and drew out the cognitive differences between senior deputy principals and the junior ones. Based on the results, the research proposes the conclusion as follows: 1. The deputy principal’s mental model of decision making in administration are formed by their life experience. 2. The formation and performance of the deputy principal’s mental model of decision making in administration are influenced and restricted by the organization culture. 3. The realization of the deputy principal’s core belief is based on the varied contents of the schema. 4. The core belief directs the performance of the mental model of decision making in administration 5. Junior deputy principals emphasizes communication and need advice from others while senior deputy principals analyze problems according to their experiences. Some suggestions for the education authority and future studies, according to the findings of this research are raised.



教務主任, 行政決定, 心智模式, 基模, deputy principal, decision making in administration, mental model, schema





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