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本研究旨在探究國中輔導活動科跨縣市教師專業學習社群之運作歷程與啟思。研究目的有二:(一)實際運作教師專業社群,探討教師專業學習社群的運作歷程;(二)參與教師專業學習社群,對輔導活動科教師專業成長之影響。本研究採行動研究法,實際規劃及運作專業學習社群,探究社群運作歷程,並了解參與社群對輔導活動科教師專業增能之影響。研究參與者為三位來自不同縣市之國中輔導教師。本研究蒐集社群開會紀錄、網路討論/分享紀錄、個人省思札記與社群訪談錄等資料,經整理分析後,歸納結果如下: 一、跨縣市教師專業學習社群之運作模式在成員部分:(一)對社群目標有共識且對教師專業成長有共同價值觀;(二)建立互信、互助的夥伴關係,讓成員感覺「被支持」;(三)共享領導有助於凝聚成員參與感及歸屬感。 二、跨縣市教師專業學習社群之運作模式在社群運作方式上:(一)發起人在社群成立之初,應先規劃社群藍圖與成員討論並取得共識;(二)發展過程應重視成員需求,並在不偏離目標的情況下適時調整運作方式;(三)讓成員參與後有所收穫,才能維持社群並有持續發展的可能;(四)善加利用通訊軟體或網路空間。 三、跨縣市教師專業學習社群運作要素包含:(一)共同價值觀與目標;(二)分享教學實務;(三)共同探究學習與應用;(四)善用網路科技工具;(五)共享領導;(六)成員專業增能成效及情感支持。 四、輔導活動科教師參與教師專業學習社群對其專業發展的影響:(一)建立信心、持續創新;(二)開拓視野、改變思維;(三)不斷學習、與時俱進。
This study aims to investigate the junior high school teachers’ implementation and reflection of a cross-county professional learning community (PLC)through the process. Purposes of this study is to know how this cross-county PLC operates and to know the influence of professional competence growth on members. The study conducts an action research by planning and implementing a cross-county PLC , investigating the process and understanding how it influence members’ professional competence growth. Research participants of this study are three counseling activity teachers from different counties. By collecting data through PLC meeting records, discuss/info-share records on the internet, researcher’s reflective memo and members’ interview records, the results are analyzed as follow: 1. The operating model of cross-county PLC’s on members aspect:(1)sharing the same common view of PLC’s goals and having the same values toward professional growth;(2)establishing trust and mutual help partnership to make members feel supported;(3)sharing leadership to make members feel they are a part of this PLC. 2. The operating model of cross-county PLC’s on implement aspect: (1)the organizer should plan the PLC’s blueprint and come into line with members;(2)during the process, members’ needs should be taken seriously and adjust the way of implementation timely;(3)the PLC will work continuously when members feel the outcomes of join PLC are great;(4)use communication software and internet space well. 3. The operating elements of this cross-county PLC are: (1) shared value and goals; (2) shared personal practice;(3) collective inquiry; (4)use internet technology tools;(5)shared leadership;(6) members’ professional competence growth and emotional support. 4. The influence of counseling activity teachers joining this PLC are: (1) building up confidence in teaching and continuously being creative; (2) opening up a new vision and changing thinking of education; (3)keeping up learning and keeping pace with the times.



國中輔導活動科, 跨縣市教師專業學習社群, 社群運作歷程, 教師專業增能, counseling activity in junior high school, cross-county professional learning community, operation process of a PLC, teachers’ professional development





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