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本研究旨在探索空檔年經驗對於成人初顯期個體生命意義感之建構歷程與內涵。研究者採用立意抽樣的方式,以10位在18—29歲時曾實踐空檔年者作為研究參與對象。研究者採用質性研究,以紮根理論進行資料分析。研究結果發現空檔年經驗對於成人初顯期個體生命意義感之建構歷程有四個階段:(1)生命的經驗與形塑;(2)面對生命困境的選擇與承擔;(3)衝擊的因應與意義感的轉化;(4)生命意義感的彰顯與影響。生命的經驗與形塑核心主題為生涯的發展、關係的經驗、生命的狀態。生涯的發展之內涵為:(1)生涯規劃;(2)課外活動的體驗;(3)就業的經驗;(4)轉折的契機。關係的經驗之內涵為:(1)成長背景;(2)內在需求與期待;(3)人際模式。生命的狀態之內涵為:(1)無意義感;(2)獨立與自主的發展;(3)自我認同;(4)自我價值;(5)掌控感;(6)生活型態的認知。  面對生命困境的選擇與承擔核心主題為:實踐前外在環境的影響、實踐前內在歷程的覺察、空檔年的選擇與實踐、空檔年的衝擊與挑戰。實踐前外在環境的影響之內涵為:(1)空檔年的趨勢與熱潮的推力;(2)現實因素;(3)社會氛圍;(4)重要他人的反應;(5)機緣。實踐前內在歷程的覺察之內涵為:(1) 生涯的探索與考量;(2) 人際關係的期待;(3) 生命的期待。空檔年的衝擊與挑戰:(1)進行空檔年的時期;(2)實踐方式;(3)行前的前置作業。空檔年經驗的衝擊與挑戰之核心內涵為:(1)存在的焦慮;(2)文化的差異;(3) 地理環境的差異;(4)人際關係;(5)生存的壓力;(6)死亡的焦慮;(7)意外的影響;(8) 理想與現實的落差;(9) 服務與工作的挑戰;(10) 自我價值;(11) 安全感;(12)政治議題;(13) 身心困擾。  衝擊的因應與意義感的轉化之核心主題為:有意義人際連結的滋養與內化、面對挑戰的回應、存在經驗的轉化、建立與自然環境的連結。有意義人際連結的滋養與內化之內涵為:(1) 深化與他人的連結;(2)在人際互動過程中的自我覺察;(3) 修復性經驗。面對挑戰的回應之內涵為:(1)積極採取行動;(2)心態的調適;(3) 情緒的調節。存在經驗的轉化之內涵為:(1)存在孤獨的遭逢;(2)死亡焦慮的遭逢;(3)面對責任得以自由的轉化。建立與自然環境的連結之內涵為:(1)身處於自然之中;(2) 對自然現象的詮釋。生命意義感的彰顯與影響核心主題為:生涯自主性的彰顯、關係的平衡與調適、生命存有的回應。生涯自主性的彰顯之內涵為:(1)生涯的選擇;(2)生涯多元面向的拓展;(3)挑戰與衝擊;(4)生涯的反思與實踐。關係的平衡與調適之內涵為:(1) 內在狀態的自我照顧;(2)人際互動模式的調整;(3)挑戰與衝擊。生命存有的回應之內涵為:(1)存在的感受;(2)目的感的浮現;(3)覺察與反思;(4) 相關性;(5)重要性;(6)行動與實踐。  根據研究結果,本研究認為空檔年的實踐象徵著成人初顯期個體的個體化歷程。研究參與者們在空檔年前面臨了各自的困境,生命的困境反而促成實踐空檔年的契機。而研究參與者在意識到生命的困境進而選擇空檔年實踐之間,她們也會根據外在環境的影響,以及內在歷程的動機與期待做為空檔年的選擇與實踐的基礎,並且進而承擔選擇實踐空檔年的責任。當研究者參與者在想辦法克服或調適在空檔年所經驗到的衝擊與挑戰時,生命的意義感也會從中焉然而生,因為生命意義感的發展源自於負向生命事件,促使研究參與者能夠反思存在的議題,面對挫折的苦澀亦能夠有所轉化。當研究者參與者們帶著在空檔年所構築的生命意義感返臺後,她們在生涯的生涯自主性、關係的平衡與調適,以及生命存有的回應等方面都有所轉變。  本研究探討空檔年經驗對於成人初顯期個體生命意義感之建構歷程與內涵。最後,根據研究過程與結果提出研究限制與相關建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of gap year on the process of developing meaning in life in emerging adulthood. The researcher used purposive sampling to select ten participants with experience of gap year when they were around 18 to 29 years old. Qualitative method and grounded theory were adopted in the process of data analysis. The results of this study indicated that the process of developing meaning in life in emerging adulthood during gap year involved four steps: The life experience and its formation, the choices and commitments in the face of dilemmas, the response to the shock and the transformation of the sense of meaning, and the manifestation and influence of the meaning in life. The core theme of the life experience and its formation includes: Career development, the experience of relationship, and people’s physical and mental state. The elements of the career development include: (1) career planning; (2) experience of extracurricular activities; (3) experience of employment; (4) the turning point. The components of the experience of relationship include: (1) family background; (2) intrinsic needs and expectations; (3) interpersonal relationship. Factors of the career development include: (1) meaninglessness; (2) independent and autonomous development; (3) identity; (4) self-worth; (5) sense of control; (6) lifestyle.  The core theme of the choices and commitments in the face of dilemmas includes: The influence of the external environment before gap year, the impact of the intrinsic awareness before gap year, the choice and experience of the gap year, and the challenges during the gap year. The influences of the external environment before gap year include: (1) trends in gap year; (2) practical considerations; (3) social climate; (4) the reaction to important others; (5) serendipity. Elements of the impact of the intrinsic awareness before gap year include: (1) career exploration; (2) expectations of interpersonal relationships; (3) expectations of life. Factors of the choice and experience of the gap year include: (1) the period of taking the gap year; (2) types of gap year; (3) preliminary work before gap year. The challenges during the gap year include: (1) existential anxiety; (2) cultural differences; (3) geographical differences; (4) interpersonal relationship; (5) stress of survival; (6) fear of death; (7) accident; (8) the gap between the ideal and reality; (9) service and work; (10) self-worth; (11) a sense of security; (12) political issues; (13) mental health.  The core theme of the response to the shock and the transformation of the sense of meaning includes: The nourishment and internalization of meaningful interpersonal relationship, the response to challenges, the transition of existential experience, and the connection with the natural environment. The nourishment and internalization of meaningful interpersonal relationship include: (1) deepening the connection with others; (2) the self-awareness through interpersonal interaction; (3) the corrective emotional experience. Elements of the response to challenges include: (1) taking action actively; (2) mental adjustment; (3) emotion regulation. Factors of the transition of existential experience include: (1) undergoing existential loneliness; (2) fear of death; (3) taking on responsibilities with free transformation. The connection with the natural environment includes: (1) being in nature; (2) the interpretation of natural phenomenon.  The core theme of the manifestation and influence of the meaning in life includes: the manifestation of career autonomy, the balance and adjustment of interpersonal relationship, and the response to being. The manifestation of career autonomy includes: (1) making decisions of career; (2) multi-faceted development of career; (3) challenges and impacts; (4) reflection and realization. Elements of the balance and adjustment of interpersonal relationship: (1) taking care of mental state; (2) the adjustment of interpersonal patterns; (3) challenges and impacts. Factors of the response to being include: (1) a sense of being; (2) the emergence of goals; (3) awareness and reflections; (4) correlation; (5) importance; (6) taking action and realization.  According to the result of this study, the research suggested that the choice of gap year symbolizes the process of individuation. Before taking a gap year, the participants had faced the dilemma in their career, relationship, and life. However, the dilemma they had encountered motivated them to take a gap year. After the participants were aware of the dilemma and made the decisions, they considered the factors of external environment as well as their intrinsic awareness. Once they were determined to take a gap year, they also had to take on the responsibility for the choices they had made, that is, the shock and the challenges during the gap year. When they were trying to overcome or adjust to the shock and challenges they had experienced in the gap year, the meaning in life would then emerge. Because meaning in life resulted from negative life events, these events encouraged the participants to reflect on existential issues and to transform the bitterness of frustration. When the participants returned to Taiwan with meaning in life they had developed during the gap year, they themselves had changed in terms of career autonomy, relationship balance and adjustment, and the response to beings.  This study focused on the process and factors of the experience of gap year on the process of developing meaning in life in emerging adulthood. Finally, the researcher acknowledged the limitations and thus provided additional recommendations accordingly.



空檔年, 成人初顯期, 生命意義感, 紮根研究, gap year, emerging adulthood, meaning in life, grounded theory





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