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本研究為製作臺灣師大設計所 設計創作專班 101 級畢業展「微波效應」的展覽
導覽 app ,將以 iOS Human Interface Guidelines 角度切入,分析檢討現有展覽導覽型 app。包含架構層次、介面設計規範、易用性等三個部分,列舉該 app 優缺點與可改良之處。針對24 名展覽者進行問卷調查, 1. 製作這個app 的目的。2. 預期這個app 帶來什麼樣的效果。3. 這個app 需要包含哪些內容。最後依照使用者經驗元素將 app 區分成策略、範圍、結構、骨架、表層,採用使用者經驗藏寶圖之步驟並導入研究結果完成各個元素:敘述故事、找出中心思想、創建人物、代入情境、整理清單、資料分析、使用者調查、製作概念圖、製作系統圖、訂定頁面流程、繪製 Wireframe 線稿、設計故事板、概念設計、原型設計。最後將此原型交與程式撰寫人員進行開發,最後完成 iPhone app 並送至 AppStore 審核上架。未來開發iPhone app 可依照此流程與各階段注意事項,提供較優良的使用者經驗與操作介面。
This study was research and design about exhibition navigation app "Effect of Microwave - The 9th Graduation Exhibition By NTNU Graduate of Design". The study began with iOS Human Interface Guidelines and analysis of exhibition navigation apps in App Store. It listed pros and cons about above apps in aspects of system hierarchy, human interface guidelines and usability. Then examined the purpose, influence and contents of the app by providing questionnaire to exhibiters. Followed five layer of strategy, scope, structure, skeleton and surface in The Elements of User Experience. And designed step by step according to stories, proverbs, personas, scenarios, content inventories, analytics, user surveys, concept maps, system maps, process flows, wireframes, storyboards, concept designs and prototypes in User Experience Treasure Map. Finally completed and submitted the app to App Store with developer. In future iPhone app development, this design flow and guidelines will provide better user experience and interface.
This study was research and design about exhibition navigation app "Effect of Microwave - The 9th Graduation Exhibition By NTNU Graduate of Design". The study began with iOS Human Interface Guidelines and analysis of exhibition navigation apps in App Store. It listed pros and cons about above apps in aspects of system hierarchy, human interface guidelines and usability. Then examined the purpose, influence and contents of the app by providing questionnaire to exhibiters. Followed five layer of strategy, scope, structure, skeleton and surface in The Elements of User Experience. And designed step by step according to stories, proverbs, personas, scenarios, content inventories, analytics, user surveys, concept maps, system maps, process flows, wireframes, storyboards, concept designs and prototypes in User Experience Treasure Map. Finally completed and submitted the app to App Store with developer. In future iPhone app development, this design flow and guidelines will provide better user experience and interface.
互動設計, 介面設計, 使用者經驗, 易用性, iPhone, app, interaction design, interface design, user experience, usability, iPhone, app