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西貝流士 (Jean Sibelius, 1865-1957),為芬蘭重要代表性作曲家之一,橫跨十九世紀後期至二十世紀音樂前期,作品種類多元,所創作曲種包含:交響曲、管弦樂、室內樂、聲樂、器樂、歌劇與鋼琴作品。在這其中,又以交響曲和唯一一首小提琴協奏曲較聞名於世,鋼琴作品卻較少被提及。本文以西貝流士在 1909 年所創作的作品《十首鋼琴小品,作品五十八》(" Ten Pieces for Piano, Op. 58 " ) 為研究曲目,共分為五個章節,透過作曲家生平與其創作 風格,來了解西貝流士的作曲理念,並觀察其如何將芬蘭民族傳統元素融合在作品 中。再藉由作品分析,進一步整理演奏技巧及詮釋方式,最後為結論部分。期盼此 文可以帶給讀者對於西貝流士鋼琴作品更多的認識,在演奏上更能展現其特色。
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), one of the most important Finnish composers, composed symphony, orchestra, chamber music, vocal music, instrumental music, and piano works, from late 19th to early 20th century. He is well known for his symphonies and only violin concerto, while his piano works are often neglected.The study of Ten Pieces for Piano, Op. 58, is divided into five chapters. Through the study of Sibelius' life, music style, his nationalism, work analyzation, and exploration in interpretation, the author hopes to provide readers more reference of Sibelius' ten pieces for piano op. 58.
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), one of the most important Finnish composers, composed symphony, orchestra, chamber music, vocal music, instrumental music, and piano works, from late 19th to early 20th century. He is well known for his symphonies and only violin concerto, while his piano works are often neglected.The study of Ten Pieces for Piano, Op. 58, is divided into five chapters. Through the study of Sibelius' life, music style, his nationalism, work analyzation, and exploration in interpretation, the author hopes to provide readers more reference of Sibelius' ten pieces for piano op. 58.
西貝流士, 民族主義, 浪漫樂派, 鋼琴小品, 幻想曲, 小詼諧曲, 主題與變奏, 牧羊者, 黃昏, 對話曲, 小步舞曲風, 漁夫之歌, 小夜曲, 夏日之歌, 吉姆斯, 海諾寧, 穆斯托寧, Jean Sibelius, Nationalism, Romanticism, Piano pieces, Rêverie, Scherzino, Air varié, Der Hirt, Des Abends, Dialogue, Tempo di Minuetto, Fischerlied, Ständchen, Sommerlied, Håvard Gimse, Eero Heinonen, Olli Mustonen