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  本研究主要目的在於探討國中階段就學不穩定學生的自我探索,使用個案研究法。邀請一位目前高一的學生為本研究參與者,以及在此過程中對他來說四位重要的他人,為母親、導師、八年級輔導老師,以及九年級輔導老師,分別進行半結構式的訪談。透過主題分析法的方式對蒐集而來的資料進行分析,了解研究參與者在國中就學不穩定期間的相關經驗,和與其重要他人互動的過程,以及有效的協助與支持策略。   研究結果整理關於就學不穩定的歷程中,影響就學狀態與自我探索的相關因素以及策略,包含以下五個部分: 一、個人特質與同儕關係的影響:(一)個人特質使其能與周圍的人維持正向關係;(二)對於有興趣的事物是專注且努力;(三)因挫敗的學習經驗,而低估自己的學習能力;(四)在學校無法尋獲志同道合之友伴;(五)同儕的誤會,減少來校動力。 二、彈性開放的家庭互動影響自我探索:(一)鼓勵個人嘗試及相互對話的家庭教育;(二)偶爾會有一點徬徨的彈性自主;(三)體恤家庭經濟間接使來校動力減少;(四)手足的督促上學;(五)受到手足影響而催化自我探索。 三、師長陪伴與友善環境維繫就學狀態:(一)師長的關心與支持,維繫美美與學校的連結;(二)班級的友善氛圍,穩固進班的意願;(三)適時的生涯輔導,找到新的學校生活重心;(四)多元試探機會不與出席率共同討論。 四、系統間的同盟關係促進上學動力:(一)重要他人彼此保持合作的關係;(二)彼此討論困境以及共同合作;(三)設立畢業目標及督促努力;(四)學校能給予彈性並多方嘗試。 五、各系統間互動所形成的相關策略:(一)儘量維持零曠課;(二)未有正當理由不允許請假;(三)酬賞策略,以增進上學動機;(四)透過飼養烏龜的責任,增加與學校的連結;(五)多元班的自我探索。   最後對於上述研究結果,說明本研究之限制與結論,並提出相關建議,以供未來相關單位及後續研究進行參考。
  The main purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of irregular school attendance among Junior high school students. The study uses a case-study method. One participant was recruited and semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participant and four significant others who are important to her in this process. The thematic analysis method is used to analyze the collected data to understand the relevant experience of the study participant during the instability in the Junior high school, the process of interacting with significant others , and effective interventions and supporting strategies.   The results of the study are organized about the factors and strategies that affect the status of schooling and self-exploration in the process of irregular school attendance, including individual the following five parts: 1.The impact of personal traits and peer relationships: (1) Personal traits enable them to maintain a positive relationship with those around them; (2) Ability to focus and work hard on things of interest; (3) Underestimating her own learning ability due to frustrating experience; (4) Incapability of finding like-minded friends at school; (5) Misunderstandings from peers, which reduce motivations to attend school. 2.Flexible and open family interaction affects self-exploration: (1) Family education that encourages children to try new things and share with each other; (2) Occasionally there will be a little feeling hesitated in flexibility and autonomy (3) Consideration for the family economy indirectly, which reduces the motivation to attend school; (4) Sibling’s push to attend school; (5) Sibling’s facilitation of self-exploration. 3.The teacher ’s companionship and friendly environment maintain the school status: (1) Teachers’ concern and supports, which maintain the connection between the participant and the school; (2) The friendly atmosphere of the class, and the willingness to enter the class; (3) Timely career guidance to find a new focus in school life; (4) Disconnection of Diverse Ability Development Programs and school attendance. 4.The alliance relationship between the systems promotes motivation to go to school: (1) Significant others maintain a cooperative relationship with each other; (2) Discuss difficulties and cooperate with each other; (3) Establish graduation goals and supervise efforts; (4) The school can give flexibility and Try it out. 5.The relevant strategies include: (1) Making efforts to maintain zero absenteeism; (2) Forbidding leaves of absence without proper reasons; (3) Reward strategies to increase motivation for going to school; (4) Increasing school-bonding by giving responsibility for feeding turtles daily; (5) Facilitating self-exploration in Diversity Ability Development Programs. Finally, the conclusions of this research are described, the limitations are addressed, and suggestions to future research and related organizations are provided.



曠課, 生態系統, 自我探索, 個案研究法, Truant, Ecosystem, Self-exploration, Case study





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