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臺北市 : 臺灣性教育協會
本研究旨在瞭解台灣地區國中生愛滋病防治之知或、態度、自我效能及行為意甸的現況,進而評價愛滋病防治衛生教育在學校方面及傳播管道土之執行成效。 本研究採分層隨機抽樣,母群體以台灣地區國中二年級在學學生為研究對專;經北、中、南、東區各級學校之!連械抽樣後,進行問卷之發放及回收,原始發放1 5 82份,其中回收之有效樣本數共1 4 62份,回收率9 2 .4% 0 所得資料進行統計分析, 重要發現如下: I.函中生除了在愛滋病相關知識仍有待加強外,皆具有較正向的愛滋病防治態度、較有把握去採取愛滋病防治行為、及將來也較有可能執行愛滋病防治行為,但在『接納感染者』的執行把握度及將來執行的意願土仍持加強。 2. 有接受過愛滋病防治教學, 且教學時間愈長, 教學內容稜類愈多元者, 愛滋病防治成效愈好,但目前在校園內所舉辦的愛滋病松關活動貝IJ皆未對圈中生的愛滋病相關知識、態度、自我效能或行為意向造成影響。 3. 在傳播管道上, 八成以上的圈中學生接觸過愛滋病相闊的消息、廣告或活動, 且按緝的消息或管道愈多元者,成效愈好;但在人際傳播上,愛滋病的話題仍很少被談論,但愈常與他人討論愛滋病話題者,其愛滋病防治的成效愈高。 依據以上封函中生愛滋病衛生教育所進行之實施成效之現況調查及評價,本研究進一步對目前台灣地區函中生之愛滋病防治教育需求進行評估,以期籍由瞭解白前愛滋病衛生教育之不足與缺失,提供教育單位及行政單位在未來之愛滋病衛生教育土可努力之方向。
The purpose of this study is to understand the adolescents' knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavior intension about Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in Taiwan, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the AIDS health education program and educational needs. Stratified sampling was used to select subjects from second grade of junior high schools, which were randomly selected from eastern, western, northern, and southern parts of Taiwan in proportion to their population allocation. We sent 1582 questionnaires used in this study, and 1462 students gave responses. The results of the evaluation of AIDS health education program in Taiwan were as follows: I.Besides the knowledge of the AIDS'prevention, students, most adulecnts express better attitudes, behavior intentions, and self-efficacy. But those items about "accepting the patience"ofthem are lower. 2.Those who accept the AIDS' relevant class, spend more time in learing it, and use more varicious relevant materials have better efficacy of AIDS prevention edcucation. But the effectives of the AIDS'relevant activities in school are low. 3.Many adulcents who have heard the AIDS'relevant information, and as the channels are more varicious, adulcents'efficacy of AIDS prevention edcucation will be better. But the topics of AIDS are seldom or never discussed. The more discussion with AIDS topics, the better promotion ofattitudes, behavior intentions, and sel f-efficacy. According to the evaluation of AIDS health education program, this research made further suggestions about AIDS health educational needs in Taiwan, including health education in school and information acquired channels. Due to understanding the deficiency and shortcoming of AIDS health education program, the educational units and the governmental units could have more accurate directions.
The purpose of this study is to understand the adolescents' knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavior intension about Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in Taiwan, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the AIDS health education program and educational needs. Stratified sampling was used to select subjects from second grade of junior high schools, which were randomly selected from eastern, western, northern, and southern parts of Taiwan in proportion to their population allocation. We sent 1582 questionnaires used in this study, and 1462 students gave responses. The results of the evaluation of AIDS health education program in Taiwan were as follows: I.Besides the knowledge of the AIDS'prevention, students, most adulecnts express better attitudes, behavior intentions, and self-efficacy. But those items about "accepting the patience"ofthem are lower. 2.Those who accept the AIDS' relevant class, spend more time in learing it, and use more varicious relevant materials have better efficacy of AIDS prevention edcucation. But the effectives of the AIDS'relevant activities in school are low. 3.Many adulcents who have heard the AIDS'relevant information, and as the channels are more varicious, adulcents'efficacy of AIDS prevention edcucation will be better. But the topics of AIDS are seldom or never discussed. The more discussion with AIDS topics, the better promotion ofattitudes, behavior intentions, and sel f-efficacy. According to the evaluation of AIDS health education program, this research made further suggestions about AIDS health educational needs in Taiwan, including health education in school and information acquired channels. Due to understanding the deficiency and shortcoming of AIDS health education program, the educational units and the governmental units could have more accurate directions.