不同分組方式進行專題導向學習之研究 ―以綜合活動學習領域為例

dc.description.abstract本研究目的旨在探討不同分組方式進行專題導向學習之成效,並了解不同能力學生在認知、情意、技能的學習成效。採用個案研究法,以某國中八年級其中三個班級的學生作為研究對象,各班學生依據上學期綜合活動學習領域總成績分為高、中、低能力三個群組,三個班分別採混合能力與同質編組、S型異質編組及自由分組,以合作學習的方式,透過Evernote及Prezi等資訊工具融入,進行專題導向學習的課程,為求資料的客觀性,本研究以質性資料為主,學生自評表描述性統計資料為輔,前者包含學生學習日誌、學習單、專題成果、教師的觀察與訪談紀錄、檢核表等。依據研究目的進行分析,主要發現有下列五點: 一、混合與同質編組、自由分組在認知、情意、技能有明顯的學習成效。 二、S型異質編組,小組在認知層面的表現與個人的學習成效有差異,在情意與技能層面的學習成效不如預期。 三、低能力、中等能力學生在混合與同質編組、自由分組中有助於認知、情意、技能的學習。 四、在不同分組中的高能力學生,皆能達到認知、情意、技能的學習,但是S型異質編組的高能力學生,多擔任組長的工作,主導小組的運作及專題的探究,與組員多以單向溝通互動,承擔組內較多的工作任務。 五、小組的運作方式及資訊工具的輔助,皆會影響學生在認知、情意、技能的學習成效。 根據研究結論,分別對教師、未來研究者提出建議,期望能供進一步之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to study Project-Based Learning(PBL)via different grouping methods. In addition, to analyze the different ability levels of students is performed to learn effectiveness of cognition, affection and skill. By using the case study and choosing three classes of junior high school students in the eighth grade as research objects, the students of each class are divided into three groups with high, medium and low-ability, which are based on students’ performance in integrative activity learning field last semester. Three classes are adopted by three grouping methods as follows, homogeneous, S-heterogeneous and free-gathering groups. By means of cooperative learning, the information tools of Evernote and Prezi are applied to PBL. In order to get objective research data, this qualitative research mainly contains learning diary, work sheets and project performance of students as well as classroom observations, interviews and checklists of teachers. Then, descriptive statistical data of students’ self-evaluation forms are used as supporting information. Based on the research data, there are five major findings: First, a mix of homogeneous, S-heterogeneous and free-gathering groups can effectively promote students’ learning effectiveness of cognition, affection and skill. Second, with S-heterogeneous grouping, there are different learning effectiveness of cognition, but the research results in affection and skill don’t correspond to hypothesis. Third, the mixing and free-gathering groups evoke low and medium-ability students in cognition, affection and skill. Fourth, no matter which grouping method is used, high-ability students can achieve learning objectives of cognition, affection and skill. However, most of the high-ability students dominate the operation of the whole group and the exploration of the project, and they play a leading role in the group as well. Besides, they use one-way communication with their group members and take charge of the large proportion of the tasks. Fifth, the operation of cooperative learning and applied information technology can influence students’ learning effectiveness of cognition, affection and skill. Based on the research conclusions, this thesis offers the teaching staff and researchers a helpful reference in the future.en_US
dc.subjectProject-Based Learningen_US
dc.subjectcooperative learningen_US
dc.subjectgrouping methodsen_US
dc.title不同分組方式進行專題導向學習之研究 ―以綜合活動學習領域為例zh_TW


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