
dc.contributorFu-shun Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiTing Chiuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究係以參與高齡學習之高齡學習者為研究對象,旨在探討高齡學習者面對問題因應方式、社會支持與主觀幸福感的關係。 為達此一目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以「高齡學習者因應方式、社會支持與主觀幸福感問卷」為研究工具。本研究問卷發放採二階段取樣的方式,簡單立意選取北中南東四區之高齡學習場所,進行問卷施測,有效樣本共計810份。經由統計分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、 高齡學習者因應方式的表現屬於中高程度,其中以「具體解決策略」、「建立支援性的系統」得分較高 二、 高齡學習者之因應方式與年齡、健康狀況及居住情形有顯著差異,與性別、婚姻狀況及收入情形無顯著差異 三、 高齡學習者的社會支持感受程度相當高,其中又以「訊息支持」的感受程度最高 四、 高齡學習者之社會支持與性別及收入情形無顯著差異,與年齡、健康狀況、婚姻狀況、居住情形有顯著差異 五、 高齡學習者的主觀幸福感感受屬於中高程度,其中以「正向情感」得分較高,而「負向情感」得分較低 六、 高齡學習者之主觀幸福感與性別、年齡、健康狀況、婚姻狀況、居住情形及收入情形有顯著差異 七、 高齡學習者之因應方式、社會支持與主觀幸福感具有正相關 八、 高齡學習者背景變項、社會支持及因應方式對主觀幸福感有預測力 根據上述研究結論,本研究就高齡學習者、高齡教育機構與教學者、政府單位及未來研究,提出幾點建議以供參考: 一、 對高齡學習者之建議 依據研究的結果,針對高齡學習者提出建議,包括:應積極參與活動,活絡其社會支持網絡;透過多種研究路徑,加強以積極的因應方式面對問題;健康不佳、婚姻較不完美之高齡學習者,宜學習以樂觀、正向的態度面對問題,降低負向情感;宜積極參與學習活動,強化社會支持與因應方式,進而提升主觀幸福感 二、 對高齡教育機構及教學者的建議 包括:宜開設社會支持及因應方式之課程;透過高齡者的經驗分享,以增強其社會支持及面對問題的因應能力,促進主觀幸福感。 三、 對政府單位的建議 政府應提供社會整體較不利的人口之學習機會,強化其社會支持與因應方式的與提升其主觀幸福感。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purposes of this study were to explore the relationship among face problems ways of coping, social support and subjective well-being of elder learners. To achieve the objectives mentioned above, questionnaire survey method was adopted. The survey instrument was a self-administered questionnaire entitled “Elderly social support, ways of coping and subjective well-being questionnaire”. It contained with good reliability and validation. The available sample for the study consisted of 810 copies. Statistical analysis yielded the following results: 1. Elder learners’ ways of coping which contained four facets achieved middle level. Elder learners tended to use the specific resolution strategy and create a support system strategy. 2. Elder learners’ social support which contained five facets was mid-high level. Elder learners tended to be more of “message support”. 3. The level of elder learners’ subjective well-being was ranked mid-high. Elder learners got higher scores in positive emotion and got lower scores in negative emotion. 4. Three (including: age, health ,and housing situation) out of six background variables were significantly related to ways of coping of elder learners. 5. Four(including: age, health, marital ,and housing situation) out of six background variables were significantly related to social support of elder learners. 6. Six (including: gender, age, health, marital, housing situation , and income) out of six background variables were significantly related to subjective well-being of elder learners. 7. Ways of coping and social support was significantly related to subjective well-being. 8. The subjective well-being of elder learners could be predicted by their ways of coping and social support. Based on the results mentioned above, some suggestions were proposed to elder learners, elder teachers, related institutions, government, and future researchers. 1. For elder learners Should actively participate in activities in order to build their own social support networks;Have a positive ways of coping towards problems through multiple ways;For the elder learners who are unhealthy or don’t have a good marriage life, should have an optimistic and positive attitude towards problems in order to reduce the negative emotions;Should actively participate in learning activities, and strengthen social support and ways of coping, leading to promote the subjective well-being. 2. For education related institutions and teachers of elder learners Should provide elder learners the classes related to enhancing social support and ways of coping ;Through the experience sharing of the elder during their learning process in order to enhance their social support and ways of coping, leading to promote the subjective well-being. 3. For the government The government should make more effort on providing a better learning opportunity to a disadvantaged minority and provide the timely care or assistance through social support and enhancement of the ways of coping, thus promoting their subjective well-being.en_US
dc.subjectelder learnersen_US
dc.subjectsubjective well-beingen_US
dc.subjectways of copingen_US
dc.subjectsocial supporten_US
dc.titleThe study of the relationship among face problems ways of coping, social support and subjective well-being of elder learnersen_US


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