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目的:了解在不同坡度(10% 下坡、平地和10% 上坡)與不同速度(75%、100%、125%的轉換速度)下,走路與跑步的下肢肌肉活動狀況,與運動學差異。方法: 招募12位有從事規律運動的受試者,實驗分為兩階段,第一階段為轉換速度的訂定;第二階段收集在三種不同坡度與三種不同速度下,走路與跑步之下肢肌肉活動與運動學參數。採用重複量數三因子變異數分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:坡度與速度的增加,對走路時的步長、步頻與平均肌電都會增加。平地高速走時有最小的身體質量中心垂直位移。踝關節與髖關節在上坡時有較大的關節活動,膝關節則是在下坡時有較大的關節活動;隨著速度的增加對髖屈曲角度會增加,踝蹠屈角度也會增加。結論:不同坡度與不同速度下走、跑,確實會對身體活動產生影響,本研究建議,可以高速走的方式取代慢跑,並加入坡度上的變化,提升身體活動量,也可以增加使用跑步機時的樂趣。
Purpose: This study was to compare the kinematics and EMG analysis of the lower limb in walking and running with different speeds (75%, 100%, 125% preferred transition speed) and slopes (10% downhill, level, 10% uphill). Methods: There are twelve male subjects recruited in this study. The experiment consisted of two parts. The first part was to determine the PTS on different slopes. The second part compared walking and running at these speeds on treadmill with different slopes using Vicon Motion System and four surface EMG. Using three way ANOVA, significant changes were identified at a p< 0.05 level. Results: The stride length, stride frequency and muscle activities were higher when walking with the increase in slope and speed. Walking on the high speed has the minima vertical displacements of body COM. Ankle joint and hip joint had larger joint range of motion on uphill but knee joint was on downhill. As the speed up, hip flexion and ankle extension were increased. Conclusion: Walking at higher speeds is safer and more efficient than running. Therefore, we can substitute or replace running by walking at higher speeds and coordinate with different slopes as a new training method on the treadmill.



上坡, 下坡, 平地, 轉換速度, uphill, downhill, level, preferred transition speed





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